Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Interpretation of wisdom do not get sick,

 Chapter Guidelines - Huang Di Nei Jing, a concept that everyone's after the So, all kinds of diseases that may face the risk of the stock. If the stock by investors to read, then, want to have healthy people should read this by the health is the days ago, a chance to see me by the Chinese Ancient Books Publishing House published it the do not have fun. Believe me, although I study traditional Chinese medicine than a decade, in particular, eating read the canon of Chinese medicine for many years - opportunities to enter but can not feel among the flowers dance with him. Therefore, the is like floating into the dark room, suddenly a ray of sunshine, I was one of the bright eyes; Another example is the old friends met at home, white picket fence, on being, let me feel warm, Nanfennanshe. And Canon health Boulevard treatment is a small smart, do not prevent disease when the disease is a great wisdom. This is what we often talk about the read this Tea oil is closely related to rice vinegar sauce. good health in later years why people can live without illness away? this problem for many people is so mysterious. In fact, thousands of years ago, the Directions: As long as we follow in everyday life the nature of the human body does not violate the laws of human and nature can live more than hundred years away and no disease. For example, when faced with health, focusing on capital preservation before the age of 35, is stick to the essence and blood from the parents of the element; and 35-year-old is focusing on health care after the day after tomorrow, is the essence of life Nourishing. This is to follow the nature of the human body and nature, which is often said that The Real Meaning of the word. Further, if any health cheats, then, this book The almost the way a chat, tell us healthy ; be opened one by one.
read the book, is really the wisdom of a book do not get sick, a health food for thought can not bear not to read the book!
Chapter Guidelines - Huang Di Nei Jing, one that everyone The concept of the talk channel by the quibble on Huang Di Nei Jing The - geography lesson, the teacher in turning a globe, and taught us a basic and important geographic content - the concept of longitude and latitude. From then on we know the north and the south by the truth, and that the warp is on the ground connection poles of the line, all the same length of warp. longitude and latitude perpendicular to its coordinates on the earth, thus achieving a certain global locations. Here the warp as a benchmark, has played a role as a benchmark, Therefore, very often the ; of such a fundamental consensus on some medical workers to life in the umbilical cord as a part of the more important that it is a separate entity after the body of a souvenir for the mother, is a congenital and acquired connection, which will be the umbilical cord that has The book the recognition that the unlike the The . Now let us cast aside the dust, opened in the layers of peel in the mystery of it.
The In any case, we know that, called the Yellow Emperor. while yellow is the color of the central, four-dominated territory of the Yellow Emperor is the symbol of a coupon equivalent to the human body's vital energy, dominate the organs of the body. Therefore, in the Yellow Emperor Chi You went out to dominate the world, the Canon sector completed another sense of unity.
then such a settling down after years of inferences made by the understanding of it? For such a . Maybe from a different side of view such a Bujing Shu, will produce a in Mangrenmoxiang. here .
from the contents, the Tang later known as the largest component. As a study of human medicine masterpiece, the book covers more comprehensive physiology, pathology, diagnostics, treatment principles and pharmacology, and medicine was established in theory the ; ; the operation of the internal organs, and the kind of the appropriate avenue of people, for the , meridians and organs in harmony to achieve a pattern of health, and seek longevity. So, people do not understand it, they often think it is a metaphysical or even as a kind of divine life that count.
chapter cited - Huang Di Nei Jing, a concept that everyone's been the highest good is like the Needless to say hard to describe the ups and downs. In the face of Western medicine struggles of Chinese medicine as a cultural source of the . Here, the need to declare that we have no intention to get involved in the to illustrate the difference between the two objective. only so far.
(1) ; boss culture, and take the thing for them, naturally there is no superiority and inferiority, the distinction between expensive and cheap.
qualities I: benevolent peacemaker will
medication got sick, it is common sense, who would not jump up and yell. Western medicine with western medicine to the Liu Fu pure good nature, the whole body in a harmonious pattern of being totally natural, everyone can draw their own innate self-organizing system to complete the physical health of the defense. and life in between heaven and earth, should adopt the natural essence, it is Chinese medicine are those with the means to adapt to nature; and Western-style is almost a war to defend, in their view, the body is a very private domain, private property is private property, and no violations. For to invading enemy - a variety of bacteria, viruses, they do not have wine, and some condensed explosives is the same as kinds of Look into a self-map of territory, always concerned about every place in the possibility of discord and reality; while the Chinese interest in a harmonic whole in a coordinated, focused on a mutual relationship between allelopathy. other words words, Chinese people look for healthy, Western people look sick. and deeds, knows his nature, from the practice is essential, can be seen that some Chinese love to help others like a peacemaker; Western Some advocates individuality, like a insolent young inexperienced.
two characteristics: Mastery of the good old harmony
from the holistic view, for indeed affect the body has a firm understanding. Five Elements theory, the pulse theory, twelve regular contact prescriptions school are all ideas with the system structure and the physiological and pathological grasp the law of the human body. More simply, is the Chinese people as the true sense of the people who read them, and they WESTERN to people during the Industrial Revolution as one organized by the various parts of a machine. Therefore, they are almost there, stop-gap measures is one of the most direct and effective solution to health problems. Here, you can see the face of traditional Chinese medicine is a change in the total with confidence and good old things, and sometimes gave away like a Western secret, but more than a rash of suspected Lengtou Qing.
(2) a three-dimensional health practice medicine for thousands of years serves as a source. As there is a cover of charity, a broad. At the same time, It is the Reply - Huang Di Nei Jing, a concept that everyone's been the highest good is like the The Foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine has been recognized. It is the first time systematically describes the physiology, pathology, disease, treatment principles and methods, so that in a system of medicine in the form of an official in the world to occupy a place in medicine; and unequivocally from the outset that the position: treating disease! In this sense, the but the more macro the health of the body of a response to the forces of nature, following the nature of our life to live, do people. in raise real dollars, when the body, but also complement our intellectual strength training. in a complete no dogma of the self life on each of the cognitive . If we say that natural disasters are inevitable way to destroy the people's lives, then, the when the mother is also Dangdie the side, there is the child father's side of human care, can be described as simple and intimate.
from the deeply rooted in a particular control on a specific disease, but the macro to show a the people really as human beings, and that at this point, it still does not scratch the surface of the human cages without analysis system to make some mechanical treatment on the disease; the contrary, it varies, pay attention to the people special and individual characteristics, or even care to each person's physical response to different different. We can not go demanding, because this direction is already a valuable.
Moreover, the in medicine. Among them, the so as to reach a The to see them living there. such as Beijing's Forbidden City Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall of Preserving Harmony, the Hall, as well as the 29th Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony, art performances, Under a mainstream Chinese culture size into account, not only do not ask you warmed and warm, but also show you how to behave. on the values of this culture of view, the > chapter cited - Huang Di Nei Jing, a concept that everyone's been in the health, from the law of yin and yang in the yin and yang Speaking
II Chinese-style health
weak and can speak as children, as homogeneous, long Dunmin, into the impossible. is to ask the Heavenly Master said: heard on the Gu Zhiren, Spring and Autumn are a hundred degrees, and the action is not bad; this time the people, in fifties and actions are faded, when the world different yeah? people will miss is not? Qi Bo answered: the Guzhi Ren, who he knows, France in the yin and yang, and in astrology, food drink with restraint, living there often, do not jump for labor, it can form both with God, and to make the end of their natural life span, is to go a hundred degrees. For the life of the Yellow Emperor, this is really one of the most asked, why the person-years over the past hundred years without significant aging, but now people will show an old fifties look? in the end are different times in different environments, or good health is not to pass along it? In this regard, the answer can be described as Qi Bo both big and small, general description of the ancient knowledge of good health, so the daily life for the eater, there are certain rules for the rest, so, in the physical and spiritual coordination on the very harmony; and the moment when people often drink wine, but also lust * and wanton indulgence Comparing the two, so there is now such a situation. above not only explains the phenomenon of such a life, but also basic health, health of a road to a brilliant description: Law in the yin and yang, and in astrology. that is to follow the natural changes of heaven and earth, know how to approach essence nursed back to health.
that of the yin and yang of life, then , what is negative, what is positive, and in the end what is the yin and yang? from the Chinese characters defined in the Private Law of view, there are pictographs, knowing, shaped the sound of that thing, under the guise of, and transfer injection, etc., but to know what is yin and yang, you need to know ; yin Jie Zi The Mountain the With a distillation and extension of yin and yang, The extended to the warm winter climate, location and down, left and right, inside and outside the state of motion of the dynamic and static and so on. Generally speaking, all in motion, the table to the, rising, warm, bright, all belong to yang; relative Still with the inner demand, and falling, the cold, dark, and all belong to yin. in heaven and earth, the weather cleared as the sun light, to air Zhongzhuo yin; to fire and water, the water under the shade Run Haner , is on fire is hot and Yan Yang.
Number of look for some reason. For example, people now too much pressure, what house, car, tickets one less, at high pressure, can be described as the years such as throwing knives, knife age a man, is it? and not from sociological point of detail compared to those in which their social pressure, let us straight to the point, slowly peel the Looking at every aspect of the disease, and every detail of life, all expressed as a set of both positive and negative phenomena and unified opposition. exterior and interior, cold and heat, deficiency and excess performance in the disease process is so that people come and go in the world too. just come out of the child is crying to come, but people tend to go with a quiet time; to the world, is the hand holding the thumb button on the inside fist come, take the time often called ; 0 breeding, development and change. from each group opposing both positive and negative sense, table cards, heat syndrome, evidence may be attributable to the yang aspects; in the cold syndrome, deficiency syndrome may be attributable to the negative card category. Therefore, the eight principles of yin and yang, master, and all the syndromes can be classified as yin or yang syndrome card in the major principle.
Chapter Guidelines - Huang Di Nei Jing, a concept that everyone's been the yin and yang changes basic laws of
things has two sides, and it can be used on both sides of Yin and Yang to be general and uniform, but both the division and no strict boundaries. because the world is material, but it is motion of matter a; Therefore, yin and yang are not isolated and static, but there is relative, dependent, growth and decline, transforming the relationship. In order to change an original aim of yin and yang of the general understanding, is to make a brief introduced for reference:
(1) yin and yang, each root of each source
similar to chicken, eggs, chicken hatching, as the root of Yin and Yang each other mutual source. Chinese medicine has Yu Yang the same philosophy of learning, that is, relative to the struggle to develop, as opposed to exist, that is, on one or Renhe Yang Yin side, leaving the other side can not exist alone.
of the country, the yin and yang. earth, and Luk within, the gas Kyushu, Jiuqiao, Wu Zang, twelve, Jietong almost weather. The five students, three of its gas, the number of persons guilty of this, the evil hurt people, the life of the people. ; for the sun, under shade; day is yang and night is yin; to human physiology, the functional activity is positive, the nutrients are yin. each other to fall back on, survival and common of. Nutrition substance is the material basis of functional activities, but also need to learn functional activities.
(2) the shift of yin and yang
Like the shift in the pendulum motion of the. Nevertheless, there is still a question of balance of yin and yang, it is like the pendulum clock, like needles, and if so, the swing up and down in roughly the same rate, the clock will be able to correctly display time; otherwise, there will be an aberration, the watch is not the correct time to tell people, in people is the Piansheng partial failure, leading to diseases. health is a problem, ranging from people not normally rest, while in bed-ridden.
from another perspective, it also took advantage of this theory conducted a physical representation of the grasp of even based on the clinical growth and decline of yin and yang to explain the different clinical syndromes. For example, if the cold after the cold stomach pain, diarrhea, etc. to see the cold syndrome is yin; and acute pneumonia , have high fever, thirst, fever and other acute symptoms of the skin is red is yang then see the heat. Of course, not the left that is not reflected by the right Yin and Yang of the ups and downs, sometimes it is because the partial virtual. virtual to extinction, in fact, positive here and the reality is relative. Deficiency and Hot belong to this situation. If a positive partial virtual organs, this is the sun disappear, then cold syndrome, a phenomenon known as the phenomenon is known as the On the one hand can play the role of deduction, on the other card to play a fundamental level by the disease pathology confirmed the interaction process. Specifically, the yin and yang of the rise and fall and rise and fall with the body Syndrome following two relations between: One is yin syndrome, mainly for looking bleak, apathetic, tired body to cold, shortness of breath lazy words, mouth thirst, urine clear, loose stools, pale tongue, thin weak pulse; Second yang, mainly for the red fever, God bother rough, the sound most of the words, thirst for cold drinks, red urine will be dry, yellow fur, rapid pulse strong.
from the ebb and flow of yin and yang in our daily life is not difficult to find an answer, why sometimes we Instead, feel the cold sweat, why would we run thin with the stomach just two days like a different person. The reason is that negative account, and therefore its direction of motion is the same outside. The ;, sweating more on the temperature, and this is sufficient to cause leakage of virtual spit! So, speaking from a health, normal line, People's Bank s enough to have diseases! So, as a regimen of road, is a regimen of surgery, good or bad, about trying to put himself!
(3) the relative nature of yin and yang is not self-contradictory
it? one will say, and unified opposition on behalf of the two aspects of the relationship between the story of a summary of all things. And here is words, things must be compared with each other. For we know that the human body, the body surface for the yang, yin viscera; but internal organs, the six fu is yang, the five internal organs, yin; and again on the five internal organs, the heart and lungs In the case of Yang, liver and kidney yin in subordinates; on the kidney, the kidney of the possession of In contrast, comparison of yin and yang is also under certain purposes.
relativity of yin and yang, yin and yang of the property lies in between can be achieved under certain conditions, the transformation can be converted Yin Yang Yin Yang can be converted. If that extreme heat, cold Extreme heat, is that people often find some people, especially children, when in the fever suddenly appeared Jueleng limbs, pulse micro sign of crisis-stricken and so chill. In addition, a variety of common clinical transferred by the virtual reality, the virtual switch fact, from the table into the inside, from inside to change out the card tables and other diseases, is an example of transformation of yin and yang.
short, Heaven follows the natural, seeks to balance yin and yang of the relative health of a large Chinese-style features, but also a regimen of Chamber. As the on the road to health will be broader and wider.
Chapter Guidelines - Huang Di Nei Jing, a concept that everyone's been in the Man Corresponding
III study, is multiplied by the carriage as in the gallop. Ming, is usually referred to seize our original aim of the the, people want to get more and more healthy, and how to do? look to the future, with too many people for the public utility to build the heart of the product, not a lot of information there is no overlap is a qualitative study, almost a pop superficial, and even worse than pop songs, because a certain level, in their guidance, the general public to take his body in the experiment. his glance right and left to wander, as from the learning and good health. Ebb Tide, in the study,

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