Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Teach you how to become a game plan

 Before that, you must first know what kind of plan in the end want to be. The so-called industry specializing in surgery, and now with the rising nature of the game, the game plan more and more detailed job classification. In the first class before ask yourself a question: , and the text and plot, numerical design, but some larger items will down to the level design, props design and character design and so on. According to the planning of different types of game types may be different, lets you surprise Some females bred to the game there will be a special costume design planning!
planning it is not easy. creative planning major work early in the game, the game is a prototype designed by creative planning. If the game is an egg laying hen is a creative planning, and planning is responsible for feeding the other care. Generally speaking, no raw duck eggs (^-^), so creative planning will be completely determined by the design direction of future development into what kind of game. creative planning will serve some time or the producer of the main duties of planning, responsible for coordinating global.
system, text planning in the creative planning basic concept proposed in operation after the start. how to operate a game? role in the background? how many groups of props? there is no siege warfare? this time these the problem will slowly begin to emerge, and the two planned to address. Of course these are not random, but also need to go through a process of growing, and even beginning to debate and exchange of creative planning can not be achieved by changing some concept.
a lot of friends on the value of planning is very interested, probably because the name is more high-end sound. In fact, the game plan in the value of planning is an essential position. especially in the RPG game. But I want to that is, in fact, not good value when planning, because the value of planning too many things to consider, but also affect the balance when the whole game and replayability. So, a value should have a basic knowledge of planning which what?
1. Mathematics is the foundation, particularly on the probability of school;
2. logical reasoning ability, sometimes you need to create some formulas;
3. overall ability to grasp the overall situation, especially the big game; < br> 4. meticulous careful not upset the good quality;
5. mastery and familiarity with the database.
give a simple example, the following figure this is the most simple damage model:
HP n hurt = remaining HP (if surplus HP <0 when the character death)
but generally the game will introduce the concept of armor, such as:
HP n (damage - armor) = remaining HP (n armor damage Min> = 0)
is the significance of the introduction of armor: A man who is wearing a plate armor, cut by a knife cut the damage is less than nudity.
further complicated if the point man who is in addition to armor, but also took a hard shield? It's formula may become:
HP n [injury n (Armor + Shield Armor)] = left etc
h then deduced down, but also to increase the deflection rate, dodge rate, weapons and armor restraint phase of restraint, etc., and even the introduction of magic attacks. on the damage the target of all the complex equation is what is the purpose? only one: when the target die?
HP / DPS = time of death (DPS = damage per second, damage per second. If it is turn-based game is the DPR, damage per round.)
This was to fulfill a sentence previously mentioned, many When this formula is created by the value of planning. This can be a simple formula to solve the problem, but why they plan to do everything possible to value many strange complex formula to come up then?
exist to solve the problem to create a formula, then we must generate ideas and discuss the following specific see below. only to be demonstrated in this series of process and confirmed the feasibility to be considered as successful examples.
many rules, formulas, making the game too complex and strategic, but often the root cause of these changes are to meet the needs of gamers. for the value plan is not a mathematician, the player must clear the fundamental demand is the value of design.
now released a WEB2. 0 planning concept of simulation gaming summary, first introduced to the game's features: the theme is a virtual life game, players can work in the game, to make money, buy a house, furniture; can start a company boss, running his own career, the final become rich, get married. the game is characterized by players in the game can act as multiple roles, as if in the real world, we can work, is an employee, after work, I have and can be consumed, the consumer who, when a player develops to a certain extent, after the accumulation of enough money, you can start a company, as an employer.
the game architecture diagram below:
WEB2.0 above concept plan first put off the case, would let us look at some of the current MMORPG type of game planning solution, first in terms of what is now the basic experience common to all games in the value of the set, and then talk about the next game, the core of the economic system settings.
Most of the game due to the current program is still a long time taken to obtain a higher level of line, it should be taken in terms of experience points the way for players to gain progressive experience in value. and this value can neither be too progressive not too small, too large gap between the General Assembly resulting level, making the players more and more the next level rise is too difficult. caused the player's aversion. and too small will reduce the total experience, resulting in shortened life game.
so We can put aside the current level of accumulated experience in order to increase the level. design formula is as follows:
experience value formula:
N = the current level of EXP = 30 (N * N * N +5 N) -80
the formula completely independent of the value with the current experience is based on the main level of the cumulative value. and the number 30 is the key value. If the future growth of the test that level too fast or too slow, just need to adjust the figures to be adjust the value of experience. and amplitude triangular type. The higher the level difference between the experience of smaller magnitude. And when the low-level changes in the pace of upgrading the basic notice does not come out soon. For we are also very easy to adjust.
divided by the value of our experience to see such a significant gap between the table.
to grade 90 as an example:
we can see by the table, when the key is 30, the total experience has reached nearly 5 billion. In the early levels, because of the experience of the value of access to fast, so even if the three-level experience of 2 to 3 times the value of the gap for those who just entered the game, and the monster is so simple, get the speed is still fast, one day level did not rise a few problems, so players do not feel it. because the game is usually in the more than one level of contrast compared to.
and experience in the last 90 values ​​the experience only the value of more than 89 30 per 1, the difference is very small. This growth makes the player difficult to detect. so take the formula that can increase the life of the game (the value of the total value of the experience), does not make the player feel a ratio of one The hard-liter (the gap between levels).
reduced to below the critical value of 20, in a look at the experience from 1 to 90 division. This can be more clear by the previous experience to compare the table to see After narrowing the critical value of the change.
N = the current level of EXP = 20 (N * N * N +5 N) -80
can be seen by the table, the total experience reduced to 300 million or 3 of the experience required to achieve the required experience level 2 liters of 7 times, 90 more than the required experience is still more than 89 1 / 30. So the experience proved the value of the formula for the adjustment of the balance is very effective. regardless of game design The total level is 60 or 200, regardless of the total experience is required 1 million or 10 million, the formula can be adjusted by the speed of the game's upgrade. can be said that the formula for any need to upgrade the game.
on the formula The final cut 80. This is a fine value. Why do you want to set this value, we still see through the formula.
the formula to the critical value of the current level of 10
N = EXP = 10 (N * N * N +5 N) -80
as a player, you need to rise to 2 when the formula is 10 (1 * 1 * 1 +5 * 1) -80 =- 20 we can see if the key value is too low, it will lead into a negative experience value, then fine-tuning to adjust the final value, it would be reduced. At the same time, by modifying the tuning values ​​will also affect all levels of experience. for example, the initial value of the various levels of experience between Data narrow so.
on the critical value of macro adjustment, fine-tuning some of the value of micro-regulation, which is the formula to enhance the level of the role and experience.
Some people say I can not get rid of the planning or pickles, I just say 2 points, 1, now I just wrote a little bit of value, value has nothing to do with whether the kimchi, the traditional MMO upgrade or need, even if EQ WOW also still need to upgrade, but upgrades and the difficulty of reducing Bale. how l How is the key .2 l, for some people to get WOW, WOW, in my view a copy of the RAID and the legendary dry Daguai no difference. and nothing to do with values ​​more, the numerical values ​​should be comparable or even more reasonable value. rather than take the gameplay to compare.
Shaguai experience gained in value:
formula: the value of the experience gained experience * monster = monster level / player level
this formula is very simple, most of the game now also use this formula, the benefit is determined according to the player's level of experience gained by killing monsters, the lower level and kill monsters to obtain high-level experience in the higher, the higher the level, low-level monsters to kill the more experience gained low.
example: level 60 monster, assuming that the experience is a monster 3000 were 40 and 80 players to kill.
3000 * 60/40 = 4500 3000 * 60/80 = 2250 experience Experience
Note: If the server is possible, to gain experience in the last randomly by between 0.80 and 1.20, any number, so that you can set the experience is not fixed, but each is different. even associated with the skills, if the final blow to crit to kill, the experience of double. or a set pattern with a stimulating and challenging to attract players, such as killing monsters within one hour of consecutive months when the first strange 10,50,100 hh This is also a strange experience when 10,50,100 times. In short this is a simple setup, like how to set arbitrary.
experience on the monster. Usually experience is the monster and the monster player kill a monster the same level The experience gained value. generally are pre-set, you can simply set 1,2,3 5,10,15 monster experience. You can also set the same as the previous chapter, the level of experience points a monster upgrade. or not related to each level of experience of the value of a monster. just like to follow up a little trouble when some of the development.
BOSS monster set special, the experience of higher value, this will depend on the different sets of each game without speaking.
team experience value assigned numerical
do the task without regard to their own personal experience, only experience when considering the value of team Shaguai distribution, on this point we need to consider many, many games team is assigned the value of the average distribution of experience or according to distribution of the different injuries. so a lot of games in which players like Dan Lian. more so the higher the level, so the result is to reduce the exchange of the game. No one with new people. for The consequence is that new people have come to like to go to New, old liberated areas without fresh blood to join. Finally, a combined area continued in the opening of new service.
we can increase the number to increase the percentage of the experience gained to solve this problem.
For example, the game team up to 6 people.
percentage of the number corresponding to the experience:
2 people value the experience gained Daguai% 120
3 people value the experience gained Daguai% 140
4 Daguai experience gained is% 160
5 people value the experience gained Daguai% 180
6 people value the experience gained Daguai% 200
personal experience gained value = (kill dead monster experience gained value / Team rating Total) * personal rating
example: 5 team, level are: 30,33,45,50,60. Kill the monster level is 60 (assuming 60 monster experience of 3000).
result: {3000 * 60 / [(30 +33 +45 +50 +60) / 5] * 1.8} / (30 +33 +45 +50 +60) * Personal Rating =
30 level players to gain experience: 1023
33 level players to gain experience: 1125
45 level players to gain experience: 1534
50 level players to gain experience: 1704
60 level players to gain experience: 2045
this level of experience gained under very fair value. team to become more meaningful, and players are happy to rapid increase in levels between the away team. Senior players are more willing to leveling with novice players, as with The more lower level players, the higher the value of their own experiences.
still pass two intuitive examples to look at.
cases the role of class 1:60 and the role of a 10 team . In the area of ​​about 60 Shaguai. (assuming 60 monster experience 3000)
{3000 * 60 / [(10 +60) / 2] * 1.2} / (10 +60) * Personal Rating = < br> 10 level players to gain experience: 882
60 level players to gain experience: 5290
cases of two sixty-class role and the role of 4 10 team. In the area of ​​about 60 Shaguai. (assuming 60 monster experience 3000)
{3000 * 60 / [(10 +10 +10 +10 +60) / 5] * 1.8} / (10 +10 +10 +10 +60) * Personal Rating = < br> 10 level players to gain experience for each: 1620
60 level players to gain experience: 9720
the above two examples we can see that the role of killing 60 level 60 monsters only the experience of 3000, but with a 10 to 5290 on the role of team experience, and the role of 4 10 team reached the experience of 9720. the experience for such generous compensation, I think every senior players are happy to team up. and the purpose of the formula is to increase the experience in a curve, according to each role should be to determine the level of experience. so no matter which level of access to the best interests of the role.
the same time, the percentage of the formula can also be changes according to the needs of the game, which can be% 200% 300 can also be. But attention must be proportionate according to the number of team changes on it.
1, if the number of players through to build their own small large numbers with their own team to upgrade, how do?
A: You can limit the team to solve the level, such as the level of the gap is not more than 30 team. This allows players more clear division between the team. Intermediate players will go with junior players (25 to 30 with 1 ~ 5), with intermediate to advanced players will be players (55 ~ 60 with 25 ~ 30).
2, that his own trumpet players all reaches and their level of difference between the 30 or so, how do?
A: No, because the value of the formula based on experience and empirical distribution formula for the design team, the team can not reach synchronous speed leveling, level team players to upgrade the lower the faster the higher the level of players is slower.
3, players will be small if retained by the manner of death and their own difference in the level of 30 or so, how do?
A: The way of death by limiting, for example designed to die out only the current experience, not out of class. In addition to the normal month if the game card, point card model fees, this approach would bring more harm than good players. If the players adopt this approach must be voluntary, and will increase the profits of operators.
4, assuming 6 team, which is in a high-level players can take 5 players with the lowest level highest when the experience. a server finds it hard to find so many suitable level. Players will therefore not used to team up?
A: No, the experience under the distribution formula of the design team, so long as the ratio of their Low-level players, is an experienced compensation, but how much different. the example 60 with 5 level 10 players in the team situation is displayed in a state of maximum gain experience. whatever team is under beneficial. even with the level of the team, also because many people accelerated the speed Daguai team.
5, upgrade will reduce the game speed so fast life, players will soon have reached the highest level of the current version of how to do ?
A: No, because the experience of the value of the critical value and calculated value on experience & level of fine-tuning some of the treatment, making the total experience with the monster can experience the value and the value of team experience to be the most appropriate formula to adjust .
6, players do not want to team up with a lot of reasons, such as play money, play equipment, play materials, not only because of the upgrade issues.
A: Yes it is, so we need to value each everything. at least when produced by the above values, the player will not be the problem and refused to upgrade the team.
people attack the same monster & more empirical distribution team.
many people attack the same monster is the team No team players to play the situation with a monster. part of the game has taken the first attack by people who share the experience, according to people who share the final blow to the experience, or simply attack some time after the monster can not attack others so mode. These are not desirable. according to the first attack hit the person or people who share the last experience, likely to cause the occurrence of malicious Qiangguai. was some time after the attack a monster attack model, while others can not be Avoid Qiangguai, but lost treasure of the BOSS and other strange, but formed a Qiangguai, just grab the object from the experience into objects.
Qiangguai does not seem so for the best solution. distribution is taken the most equitable way.
formula: Single & Single team to gain experience = monster experience / (total blood volume monsters / Single & Single team damage)
this formula can only be obtained for more than capable for the most equitable way, but the senior players to assume that low-level malicious Qiangguai region, it still is not fair.
conditions permit if the server can be set to blow the final award, the final blow to kill the monster by an additional monster The total experience of% 5.
loss caused by the death experience:
it has different settings for each game, some game players to upgrade the speed limit, and some games have not set the death penalty. There is not much said. My view is that stability in the server case, the experience of loss does not cause the player to kill, kill the loss experience has been strange to the next level of the current level of experience required for X%. experience the value of the limit is reduced to the current the value of the required experience level. that is never less than the current level of experience required value. (will not be out of class).
such benefits are not to be malicious PK killed off after the experience, and stability in the server (not will card) generally will not be strange case killed, if the blame is not enough to kill that player's skill level or equipment between the challenges and their strange too. And do not set out the processing level, it is to BOSS-level players to kill or challenge their own strange set limit, the general high frequency of this death, the player will just upgrade to the. even if the upgrade is not just to carry out, nor caused by death too many times lower level of loss of confidence in the game.
OK `, where the value of the planning process in the overview to summarize.
1. Numerical Computation
to heaven online games in Korea as an example of the invasion, requirements of the gaming community to a state of the screen, the screen is no longer a good performance has become the threshold of online games; to World of Warcraft as an example of the march of European and American masterpiece, the online games industry and internal requirements to improve the system to another a realm point system and play online games have become no longer a good threshold. the threshold of the largest domestic online games is a numerical calculation mm threshold in resolving the art before the system was shelved with the core.
numerical can be said that the game's most important internal data organization of a link. numerical calculation of the output data is the game databases and services.
, of course, numerical results are not in one step, and these data can not be guaranteed without making the slightest can not adjust a little mistake in the game of perfect balance. obtained through complex numerical data, first fill in to the game database, and then through the beta, closed beta, beta several verification and defect exposed numerical calculation by the staff and the chief architect of the common correction formula or modified formula to adjust the game part of the data, so repeating the process of checking and modifying the game's value will gradually become the perfect balance.
2. numerical calculation in the project areas in which production as shown below
1. Numerical Computation
to heaven online games in Korea as an example of the invasion, the online community for greater picture to a state, the picture is no longer a good performance has become the threshold of online games; to World of Warcraft as an example of the march of European and American masterpiece, the online games industry and internal requirements to improve the system to the next level, the system and play points are also online games is no longer a good threshold. the threshold of the domestic online games is the largest numerical mm piece of art in addressing the threshold before the system was shelved with the core.
numerical data can be organized within the game The most important aspect. numerical calculation of the output data is the game databases and services.
, of course, numerical results are not in one step, these data do not make the slightest adjustment can not guarantee you can not see in the game little error to achieve the perfect balance. obtained through complex numerical data, first fill in to the game database, and then through the beta, closed beta, open beta for multiple authentication and defects exposed by the numerical formula for the total design staff and common correction formula for division or modify the game to adjust part of the data, so repeating the process of check and modify the game's value will gradually become the perfect balance.
2. numerical calculation in which production in the project
links as shown below:
As shown above, the case of numerical computation in systems and database filling stage of refinement between stages, which parallel with the integration phase the client, the client will pay after integration by the QA testing. from the system case to the client to complete integration of refining the two stages of the elapsed time between the relatively long, detailed case procedures including system implementation, operation and interface design and art resources in the production and implementation of three block.
Therefore, it can be said that numerical calculation phase can be a relatively independent and the production phase of a longer duration.
numerical values ​​calculated staff requirements can be said that technical content a high production process, because of its high requirements, the production aspects of the quality of its personnel have certain requirements:
? mathematics. numerical calculations require the regular and numbers, formulas to deal with, mathematics is based on the numerical calculation in an essential capability of personnel. high school mathematics, the definition and characteristics of various functions, arithmetic and geometric series summation did not forget the natural, but also require frequent use of higher mathematics, including the normal distribution , probability and statistics, discrete mathematics, and many other related technologies. to some extent can be said that the requirements of numerical calculation in mathematics professional staff, at least science background.
? close thinking. numerical calculations require the production staff has a strong mind , the formula requires that designers naturally, each formula a value not only for numerical calculation as if all the data in a close and complex network structure, connected ring, pull the body of a launch, the slightest mistake that will affect the entire combat system, or upgrade the system, or professional system, or economic system hh people who did not fill in a form of thinking disorder, the one formula is dead, the data need to adapt to the game and fine-tuning the data and formulas for generating fine-tuning data, guidance staff need to have a keen sense of touch; Secondly, guidance staff also need to keep clear and alert data link between the global.
? digital sharp, even sensitive. on the big and the small number of concepts must to be very flexible and very sensitive. with numbers, not only to individual differences in the number of some sensitivity, the need to have the entire value of the sensitive touch section. For example a different level of attack data, you need to observe and learn quickly constructed in the mind of its value curve.
? endure hardships, responsible and able to withstand pressure. As mentioned, the numerical calculation of a game is not a matter of days or a week, but a minimum duration of two March The process was initially completed, should be continually calculated after completion of the amendment or re-design formulas. values ​​need to fill a day in front of more than numerical form dense, and often need mental arithmetic and written calculation, if not resistant to hard, responsible and can withstand the pressure, or who work like this is bound to soon feel tedious, but more serious is the error on the numerical calculation result, which is more serious than a hundred times the efficiency of the consequences of decline.
? experience. of course , the experience is a valuable resource for numerical calculation. Experience is divided into two types, the game experience and the experience of numerical calculation. The former refers to the process from a lot of games to get the feeling of accumulation and the accumulation of the formula, it can not simply rely on several online games The steeped able to create, whether stand-alone or online, you need to studied under a wide range, the classic view of many of today's numerical models, mostly from the stand-alone; the latter refers to the experience in the numerical calculation, the same x-A power, A 2-power curve and power curve of the 3 A lot of people may feel it can easily, A5 and A2 (A3 +3 A), which can be subtle differences in the experience to rely on insight out, For many awkward numerical formula or set unreasonable, often one or two parameters to adjust the formula can be modified to good effect, and the other, if C is jointly launched by the A and B, when C go wrong A good time to adjust, or adjust how well B, which is where much-needed experience.
the following numerical calculation process cases from a relatively simple game the system to simply talk about the process of numerical calculation, the conquest of first edition I began to research and analysis is the first numerical model, its structure is simple but the basic system is perfect, following the flow of the game as the numerical analysis of cases.
the main system as shown above refinement, the system case The refinement is done before the numerical calculation, and occupation, skills, equipment, goods, battle system is the numerical calculation of the five indispensable guidance of the five major centers.
? professional system. decide the game career The number and professional characteristics, both for the whole skill system, combat system determines the play, also determines the main properties of the various occupational growth ratio.
? skill system. skills of combat system is a The role of correction, the purpose of numerical values ​​to be balanced, and as skills to join, has become the first to the balance of skills, while at the same time we must pay attention with the skills and career after the balance of professional skills in PvP balance.
? equipment system. equipment system is based on the professional system generated, because of different professional and occupational characteristics, therefore suitable for different jobs with different weapons and armor and jewelry professional wear. by the professional system and equipment systems derived in the numerical calculation of the economic system, has played a very important role, including PvM, equipment durability loss, equipment prices, monster drops, etc..
? item system. derived from the equipment systems the item system, or to a certain extent that the items the system can be self-generated. item system mainly refers to the numerical calculation of drugs, due to equipment and property caused by the offensive and defensive players, leading to different occupations different levels of drug consumption, return to the city at different speeds, thereby affecting the price of drugs in the numerical calculation, upgrade consumption, monster drops and other data.
? combat system. the game the most important numerical reference system, combat system design of physical attacks and skills to combat damage attack calculation, and this calculation process and the calculation formula, the numerical calculation is the core part and the main basis. Second, the battle system is also designed to determine the main attributes and secondary attributes of the conversion relationships.
4.2. the initial feeling Set
before starting the numerical calculation, need to do another preparation is the initial feeling of the game were set. first need to set the five basic feeling is: the role of the growth curve, the role of the experience curve, the game takes a long time, the proportion of the professional attributes and properties of calibration parameters.
? role in the growth curve. the growth curve is a game designer to the player's feeling, but also heighten the game's world view a large extent, role in the end is late bloomer type or progressive growth, or the like Fang Zhongyong style slow down after the first type, the role of several different growth curve determines the true value of the numerical calculation of the level and time with the speed and extent of growth. < br>? role in the experience curve. the experience curve is a game designer to the players feel the impact of the main players to upgrade the speed and feel upgrade to conquer, for example, it is a five-step experience of a curve as shown below:
identified through the experience curve, the numerical calculation as a basis to determine the level of upgrade for each game time, Shaguai time, back to the city and frequency of time-related data, and these time-related data set are based on the role of early experience curve for the reference.
? game takes a long time. the game takes a long time is another time-related type of data used to determine the initial sense of the data, through the game takes a long time determine the role of the experience curve with the game, you can define the role of each level the time required to upgrade to this upgrade time can be derived through the game the other time data.
? proportion of the professional attributes. refine the system by professional can get the professional features that the main difference: the proportion of professional attributes and professional skills. The former is a numerical attribute data on the role of pre-main basis is derived, which in numerical skills, time to start design to produce a major reference to the role of . the Warriors, for example, when determining the force of the Warriors: Min: Body: Magic = 5:2:3:0, when the Warriors can be obtained by numerical values ​​for each level of the basic values ​​and equipment related to post, then you can The data derived through the monster attribute data related to the data derived later.
? property correction parameters. Through the above sense of setting the initial launch of the game by numerical data in the main property, but the game more number of auxiliary attribute data, for example, hit dodge mana blood values, the derivation of these data need to set some initial properties of correction parameters (for example, how many points a little blood, body conversion value), derived from the auxiliary data to the data of other further derivation.
4.3. numerical calculation when the main system refinement process
completed, the initial feeling is also the main setting of completion of the ...

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