Monday, April 25, 2011

Reprinted China has several major military commands , their duties are

China has seven military area commands, functions such as the following:

Lanzhou Military Area: Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Qinghai. Troops are mainly stationed in Baoji, Lintong, Urumqi, Tacheng, Kashgar and other places.

combat missions and combat zones: There are three operational tasks, one with the Beijing Military Region, the North invaded the enemy's defense, Baoji, Lintong task force in this; the second is to contain East Turkistan separatists, to ensure internal stability in Xinjiang , while the reactionary forces from Central Asia and to suppress the formation of deterrence, the main play by the Xinjiang Reclamation Division; third is the protection of the formation of Pakistan, India Ba Zhizhan necessary, military assistance to Pakistan and India to achieve deterrence, while can also be sure that when the sea lanes by the U.S. blockade, Pakistan, China has the sea. Therefore, from the combat zone of view, it is divided into three, defense, mainly in Inner Mongolia in the north the territory of the vast border region of Xinjiang and Pakistan border.

mode of combat and weapons configurations: from the Beijing Military Region to the joint defense operations in the north point of view, the strength of Beijing Military Region, Lanzhou Military Region, the eastern part of the deployment and the deployment of troops to form the most important line of defense of China, Tai Hing Lam, Yanshan Mountains , Luliangshan against the north and the Qinling Mountains are the last bulwark of the invasion. Therefore, the eastern part of the Lanzhou Military Region to mechanized combat forces are mainly defensive operations, supplemented by mountains. Xinjiang is clearly not for the overseas deployment, but for territory. Therefore, from weapons configuration point of view, the Lanzhou Military Region is also a west to east. Operational intentions at the earliest, once the Sino-Soviet war, the vast region of Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, Gansu, most of the regions are to give up, and backing David and Goliath battle is a magic weapon for the Army.

from weapons configuration point of view, is mainly dominated a large caliber artillery, tanks, war is still mainly based on the Beijing Military Region, Lanzhou Military Region to cover and harassment as surrounded as a strategic task, so the combat zone and stressed mobility.

Second, the Beijing Military Region

area: Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Beijing, Hebei and Tianjin. Troops are mainly stationed in Shijiazhuang, Zhangjiakou, Taiyuan

combat missions and combat zones: the Beijing Military Region is only one combat mission, that is, Russia is against the full range of attacks launched from Outer Mongolia. Moreover, the Sino-Mongolian border defenses available to the terrain is not much, if missed, China will defeat across the board. Therefore, the Beijing Military Region's operational mission is the most important of the seven military regions, and its main operational area is in the autonomous region. Core may be Zhangjiakou area.

mode of combat and weapons configurations: joint operations based mainly in the large formation. Therefore, the Beijing Military Region is the highest level of mechanization, we must face Russia's most elite troops attack. 60,70 million troops in the Soviet border, the main defense forces, the Beijing Military Region. Rely mainly on infantry favorable terrain such as mountains and a strong defense artillery to positions, with tanks and other mechanized unit in Inner Mongolia will have to maneuver in the defense. China has been effective in the tank to make up for lack of performance, five pairs of strong ground attack aircraft is a product of that time, mainly initiated by the enemy mechanized units from afar, and consumption of delaying offensive operations.

Therefore, from a configuration point of view there are weapons, heavy tanks, large caliber artillery, all kinds of anti-aircraft fire, and combat aircraft, combat aircraft and attack aircraft both on the ground.


area of ​​Shenyang Military Region: Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning. Troops are mainly stationed in Changchun, Jinzhou and Liaoyang.

combat missions and combat zones: the Shenyang Military Region has two main operational tasks, one is to resist the Soviet Union (Russia) from north to invade the enemy, major combat operations within the region in the northeast. Moreover, once war, large areas of Heilongjiang in China will give up, give up the Sanjiang Plain, luring the enemy in depth, the use of Tai Hing Lam and the Changbai Mountains and the favorable terrain in order to wipe out a joint attack on both sides. This is the Japanese Kwantung Army to fully absorb the rapid destruction of World War II lessons learned.

second task is to aid North Korea, the formation of the U.S. military containment, and North Korea together with South Korean military forces military balance. The main combat zone in the Korean territory. From the deployment of troops can be seen, Shenyang Military Region, the main combat units are deployed at a distance of less than 300 km toward the Super border in the region, and the density is quite high. Liaoning-Shenyang Campaign similar to the military's deployment. The defense focused on the mountains in northeastern China. Shenyang Military Region is also to prevent the enemy from the northeast of the main entry barriers, Jinzhou is the most important military site.
mode of combat and weapons configurations: the large formation of joint operations based. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the most important operations in the northeast of China who is the other side, there is no doubt Russia. Russian mechanized combat units when the world no one enemy, can just wiped out in a few weeks hundreds of thousands of the Kwantung Army, during World War II can not do any country. Therefore, the Shenyang Military Region of combat tanks and mechanized units are mainly supplemented by artillery units to the side of the main defensive operations. Delay and the consumption of the Russian attack, using its long supply lines to give a fatal blow to the defect, so the battle in the northeast China and Russia will not start at the border line, but must start in the Sanjiang Plain, the use of large tanks, the Russian river many restrictions combat troops and mechanized units advantage.

Therefore, from a configuration point of view there are weapons and medium-sized tank (for the soft soil in Sanjiang Plain, northeast of little use in the heavy tanks), large caliber artillery, all kinds of anti-aircraft fire, and combat aircraft to combat aircraft based, supplemented by ground attack aircraft.


Chengdu Military Area: Tibet, Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou. Troops are mainly stationed in Kunming, Chongqing and Nyingchi

combat missions and combat zones: the Chengdu Military Region has two main operational tasks, one of India operations, side to contain India, Pakistan to support the formation of an invisible; second, protect the Myanmar, control in Southeast Asia, to ensure that China's last economic channels (both China and the Soviet Union once against each other, maritime transport and the Silk Road are blocked, such as the Anti-Japanese War, the only thing left is the channel of Myanmar). Support for North Korea to curb defense United States, Japan; support Pakistan to contain India to support Myanmar in order to control Southeast Asia. This also can be seen, Pakistan and Burma is Soviet blockade was the most important external transport lines.

mode of combat and weapons configurations: from the Chengdu Military Region of the combat missions of view, independent of their play from the southwest to the threat. Because of the terrain constraints, the main mountain trip is taken in mainly small-scale operations, the neighboring country's military strength and geographical constraints, large-scale war is unlikely, demanding higher quality of man, on the staff the requirements of more demanding than for weapons. Therefore, the estimated strength of the Chengdu Military Region, units are composed by the classes, in addition to Marine Corps training is probably the most difficult of the outside. The dispersion of associated operations, is the main form of military combat arms, and the Northern Military Region to fist to attack a different way, this network will be the way major military offensive operations.

Chongqing, the deployment of troops is estimated as a mobile force, at any time with the direction of India or Burma's combat missions.

Therefore, from a weapon configuration point of view, the requirements of personal weapons is even higher, individual rocket launchers, sniper rifles, machine guns, etc. to class as a unit with a GPS positioning system to joint operations and other infantry squad .


Guangzhou Military Area: Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, Hainan. The main deployment of troops in Liuzhou and Huizhou.

combat missions and combat zones: There are two main operational tasks, one is to coordinate the formation of the Chengdu Military Region, Kunming garrison military threat to Southeast Asia, put pressure on the Southeast Asian countries, mainly in the army stationed in Liuzhou completed; another is the landing and anti-landing operations, mainly absorb the Opium War, the fall of the lessons learned in Guangzhou, Huizhou, mainly stationed in the army to complete. From the combat zone of view, mainly in the offshore operations in Southeast Asia to complete.

mode of combat and weapons configurations: warfare, similar to the Chengdu Military Region, but the coast, so coastal defense requirements are relatively high, and the Chengdu Military Region, the different emphasis on high altitude mountain warfare is more emphasis on its jungle warfare. Liuzhou, China's military leader in jungle combat, while the Guangzhou Military Region, the combat capability of the Marine Corps should also be very strong. If the man operations alone, the Guangzhou Military Region, soldiers and other military soldiers PK, then I guess that is not his opponent. And as the Chengdu Military Region, the Guangzhou Military Region, and no large-scale war opponents, so fighting the same way and the Chengdu Military Region, but also joint operation network, the network operations than the Chengdu Military Region, the network also smaller.

configured from an operational point of view of weapons, similar to the basic and the Chengdu Military Region, it is estimated that more emphasis on light weapons and special weapons configuration. But also special attention to the construction of anti-aircraft fire.


area of ​​Nanjing Military Region: Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Fujian. Tongan troops deployed in the main, Nanchang, Hangzhou and Xuzhou.

combat missions and combat zones: the Nanjing Military Region army's combat mission to the corresponding much simpler, mainly the landing and anti-landing operations. Previously, China does not attach importance to landing operations, independence became fierce, and only paying attention to its key tasks is to visit the island, including the water landing and airborne landing. Purpose is obvious. Combat zone is clearly not in mainland China, Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands, the main will. Would not be a war across the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan is only to contain the future a real possibility in the battle for the Ryukyu Islands.

mode of combat and weapons configurations: from the combat missions and combat regional decision, the Nanjing Military Region of combat certainly is landing, a large landing ship, and composed of large transport ships, the main task is to cover the Air Force and Navy to complete landing operations, control of the island. So you can see, the Nanjing Military Region Air Force equipped with air-to-sea combat capability is quite strong, deployed in Wuhu Su27 and deployment in Hangzhou Flying Leopard is to ensure the effectiveness of the success of landing operations. Meanwhile, the East China Sea Fleet's combat capability for the Army's landing station of Nanjing Military Region, providing effective protection.

Therefore, in addition to the Air Force and the East China Sea Fleet, the Nanjing Military Region, the Army's major equipment is the amphibious tanks, paratroopers, tanks and other vehicles, and airborne. Therefore, the vanguard of foreign operations is certainly the Nanjing Military Region of the Army, other Military District of Guangzhou Military Region, in addition to the formation of coordinate in Tainan, the other of the Army Military District of little use.


area of ​​Jinan Military Region: Shandong and Henan. The main deployment of troops in Weifang, Kaifeng and other places

combat missions and combat zones: the Jinan Military Region, the most interesting combat missions. Tactical combat is the primary purpose of the Jinan Military Region. The main task of the Jinan Military Region is involved in combat. China and Russia as the In fact, the Shandong Military Region shoulder part of the defense of the Korean Peninsula, so the airborne Jinan military capabilities should be the country's most cattle. When necessary, the Jinan Military Region, the war across the Taiwan Strait can also combat the formation of troops or sulfur ball support. Therefore, the Jinan Military Region area of ​​operations is not limited.

mode of combat and weapons configurations: the Jinan Military Region, formed mainly by airborne mobility is the 7th largest military the strongest. And other northern military services emphasize heavy-duty equipment and light military emphasis on the southern army is different, Jinan Military Region army stressed that in between the high mobility under the high attack power. Configuration from the fire point of view, certainly is headed by the Beijing Military Region, Lanzhou Military Region and the Shenyang Military Region, the strongest, the weakest of Chengdu Military Region and Guangzhou Military Region, Jinan Military Region, is somewhere in between.

major weapons and equipment are mainly large transport aircraft and airborne equipment, airborne Airborne Armored Division tanks and the construction of Jinan Military Region, the main endeavors.

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This article is reproduced from: Pioneers: China has several major military commands, their duties are?
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