Monday, February 14, 2011

Display treasure box of Mind (reposted)

 Mind treasure box paper display / Cloud Deng Sangbu Translation / Multiple knowledge.   ranked according to the root of the fruit goes for the bodies of law, law in the roots, into yoga and is now with the root device, the original purity of reality from the second barrier, permit If nominalism method of this goes. Buddha Buddha according to the original intention, perceived to be reasonable over the capsule Palestinian leader, hold high the true treasures often hidden on buildings, curtain Siyu unprecedented Dafa. once again promote its law friendly knowledge, the use of clean teachings of the demonstration, Wang Chuan exoteric doctrine of the ultimate reason, secret master of mess that the tower be saluted. correct discovery right path of non-Ching, which was esoteric reasons people gain confidence, eliminate heart of darkness Hui day, good teacher Luo Zhai Zhi Hua Yan unforgettable. How to attend an ordinary first channel, and the special enlightenment right view to amend the law passed by the sages secret will, for the benefit of beginner students I speak: Yu few leisure for three with eight full, ten real hard edge of complete physical, to produce good If Qin-xiu good results, since the victims were described as unmatched since. Sanjie impermanent like autumn clouds, feeling uncertain as Cao Jian Lu device, bittersweet impermanence as sunrise and sunset, never eternal things in this world. In the morning a person living at night may become a corpse. critically ill and healthy people that, first of all where there is a set number who died? centenarians with which old infant, who first who after the death is not sure. breathing alternating sleep at night in bed, next morning still breathing is a miracle. long-term separation are accompanied by relatives and friends, and evil have left the money grabbing, awareness of tourists to leave the hotel itself, demonstrates the farce of this world of impermanence. not take a cent of all property, family children can not go hand in hand, love can not house the night the body abandoned, evil karma phase accompanied by good deeds. for the Wicked who incarnated the three lower realms, reincarnation line Treatise are three good way, good and evil actions lead to emotions and fruit, so do good Jie Wu is the key. the joy of five desires deceived five body The resulting craving and hatred, bad habits do not stop day and night, he argued, the fruit of the endless cycle of suffering. Respect for the fiscal first Sambo food, followed by seeking alms all living beings, especially hunger relief to the poor masses, Supply and goodness back to the various living beings. enjoy delicious tongue disputes, how to enjoy nor met, such as benefits by drinking salt water quench thirst, frequent desire to be content with restraint. Love and Heart Health and hatred against the enemy in order to increase due to the accumulation of hatred, which was damaged from his evil fate , hurt his enemy is hate. Among all living beings into three realms, from that illness and death in terror, disgust provoked a matter of the heart cycle, day and night to repair the line plot Zhushan. evil is small can not be ignored, no great evil can not be considered small damage, as small as a small tip of Mars, but also burned a large Grassy Hill. good deeds can not give up small, good or Italy do not think small, small water drop by drop to accumulate, but also do not forget to fill vats. Do not think small The evil, therefore harmless indulgence for yourself, drip drops of water accumulation, but also to the pots full of water storage tanks. Often unconsciously, bit by bit evil, evil fool will eventually full. Do not think that petty small good deeds Italy has not give up on, regular drip drip accumulation of small though, can still filled with a large water tank. bit by bit, Zhushan repair product line, the wise man wins MERITS Xiu Ford, past, present various Xunxi bad karma, the number of ground storage reservoir dust knowledge of. this delusion born the night of the growing cycle from lead to terrible in the heart of the guru seeking relief Sambo, since the credibility of the net letter love letter, establish a reliable and honest line of the letter, converted to recite the prayer amendment million. throughout the universe, all are mothers, are happy not to cause Salford, has created bitter fate did not want to suffer, I would like to remedy the deviation of the heart thing. it must get rid of all the benefits I see Mou, I see that the root is a false heart, on the governance Wang Xin relying on inaction, see, this is the hidden nature of mind altruistic compassion. meditation masterpiece of double-Yun Nian observed thickness of the Shen are breaking out of anything to do, like mixing water from the clear light for themselves, their own words concentric air out from the environment, non-natural state made very clear , Yuan Cheng need to make meaning along naturally. Zada scene, although the phase is not destroyed, since the heart of the phase space of not Lizhu heart, compassion for the birth of compassion, and six degrees of merit of authentic sea. see a peak containing all the inaction, school education should be fine the law should be. I see the demons in order to eliminate, although I want to send Hama no wisdom, justice was real treasures of the Savior, but also from the heart without thinking intuitive environment. Since I have all the pain enforcement, the interests of all sentient beings the Buddha mind students, the source of the ego but false heart, without thinking to repair against government inaction. All Shi Sudi phase are the origin, the origin of the relative lack of autonomy, they change as the magic illusion, like water, is the shadow of the moon. good and evil karma is also succeed illusory phase, and no truly the joy of the executive, but to enjoy one day of community fun, but also by all the three lower realms of suffering. For the industry as a line of cause and effect, although no inference from the nature of a difference, as shown by the dharmas a birth and death, birth there hearted joy phase. only to determine the line of non-line by show, like a drop of water dripping filled bottles, the first drop of water bottles Sheng dissatisfaction, followed by all water droplets are dissatisfied. all the margin of converging filled bottles as metaphor, such as human feelings joy of retribution, not the formation of a single industry, the public will end Synergy joy results. of various kinds of good and evil as the cause, give birth to see illusory relative phase points, karma is now six self-see phase, the same thing, see the Road different. love all kinds of emotions and a sense of different devices, unreal things students really love and hate, Xunxi lead mercurial easy to see sub-taint knot phase margin. the same location revealed six public, the industry see the different phases of the different learning phase is illusory shadow prejudice, the formation of different emotions and fruit of karma. virtual karma truly manifest itself, for all living creatures have a sense of joy, although no real magic show as true, because karma is all relative. accumulated over the world good and evil industry, see all the Synergy of the phase picking up students, students see a variety of business lines Separation fantasy, like the white snail see yellow bile overflow. phenomena in the world, see different is the origin of all origins into a dependent relative, but the changes are apparent, no authenticity of the stone like a daughter. Like the blacksmith made the sword themselves, their accumulation of the three execution drugs false, and its fruit to form suicide hell, cut his body with that razor. yearning for happiness for happiness does not repair, trying to be clever for profit taking financial support, and the accumulation of money does not mean charity, once the scourge of selfishness hurt. actions if violated Italian masters, Buddhism failed to tame his heart, words and actions contrary to law to wear masks and clothing should be trimmed from the heart of true Buddhism. For the top five of the line does not condemn , for doing good things for libel, for the acts of greed hate Buzhi Chi, a sense of shame for amending the law to do good. not exhort often difficult to get along with irritability and selfishness sensitive to the heavier things that do not do the same, no matter multi-line illegal moderation. Tanchen increased since his heart were deeply jealous contempt for damage from people, all chosen by the ego of Health, the Executive Outlook repair broken without me doing nothing, see. greed, hatred and ignorance for the internal, born four hundred and four kinds of disease, in order to eliminate all these illnesses, their need for amending the law to do drugs. For all living beings suffering the disease, until the full elimination of all disease, medicine and doctors willing to do themselves, personally do care for their treatment. your body does not suffer from disease, was once hurt other people's body, made, return to their own bad karma, into the concept of digestion relies instead to various diseases. All sentient beings are suffering from Wudu disease, industry and the troubles top five of the winning situation, and immediately absorbed into my body, all to attack the ego heart. kill stealing and adultery, etc., the trick evil beings who hurt industry, the industry suffered bodily beings by consumption I, my good karma returns to the living beings. lies provoke non-verbal abuse, all these beings tongue made, industry, and I'll be reporting beings Introduction consumer industry, and I return to the living beings of good business. greedy, and deviant views and other malicious, had made the hearts of all beings industry, I came to Italy by the newspaper industry, consumer beings, I return to the sentient beings of good business. all contribute to the happiness of all beings, but May happy and comfortable all over the vanity. I love all the pain into executive body, I hope all the Oliver was dry. the interests of all the reputation of others, all the unlucky loss of self-commitment, I am afraid it karma seriously beings, sentient beings to share my happiness. sleep Professor Ge when the one bag, since his concept of law is bittersweet exchange of Mahayana repair Bodhicitta life columns, Professor secret one, please practice. and for my parents, all living beings, not in the Shambhala Bodhi before karma drive cycle six, the mutual love can often happiness. taking credit mutual Results resentment, vulgar verbal abuse hurts his people, would ruin their good roots, give up hatred and jealousy and curses. In addition to his heart if not enemies, beyond the flesh of the enemy more than the more increased, if the elimination of one enemy in mind, to the eradication of everything the enemy. frightening to the extreme affects karma, no time to transfer students in six, was plagued by serious illness that the three poisons, giving deep secret Fa-rectification method dew. prevent the body's own word meaning three, even the mosquitoes, sentient beings, no harm no mercy, always specializing in profit trouble. wild and unruly beings all over the vanity, not Dharma wealth beings, and that the Sambo division when the round method, students missed the letter is its blessing thin. I should do everything possible to try to guide them to the treasures division, especially when the wheel for the dignity of law, have faith enters its road. see my body touch the body fragrant smell gas, I miss the students heard the name of joy, all my affinity for all living beings, willing to break cycle of suffering in this life. For me to attack with contempt, abuse, maltreatment and damage to speak ill, hatred, jealousy be framed, its line into the Buddha for life . their various acts of Language and Meaning the body, such as Tetra benefit sentient beings, impersonal dedication to do, have to endure even if the three lower realms fall. his body made by means of various actions, for good or ill often do not pay attention, so often for their behavior, self-censorship can not forget.'s own words Yi Zhisuo charity body, daily summary and inventory, should more students if the joy of good, if evil should do more penance. with the person regularly Wicked, spaced live for a hundred, as the line Treatise of the various gentlemen, just live life day high. evil than those who do not believe in Buddhism, safe and sound live on a hundred years old, willing to line Treatise dear fellow, in a day days of life respected by others. a waste of human life leisure evil, even if safely over a century, dedicated rehabilitated the Patriots, just live life day valuable. View Diamond Heart refuge force Songzhou, visualize nectar to wash industry governance power, the power of repentance return to the path of good power, until the fourth power of karma see the sign. Sumeru surrounded by eight small four continents, the number of person days sixty-six of all wealth, Zhen Wu Yu Sun and Moon, etc. Eight Seven, real meaning set Manza Chen to building more. The continued close to the lead from discovery, empowerment guru is like the eyes, passing on tips like the heart, like a good professor Tantra. If teachers do not violate the oath ring, even if the second violation of monastic Fifth Third, by the Buddha twenty precepts, but also Buddha-bit card to hold King Kong. than the concept of choice to the Buddha, a good friend solemn Does the body for thousands of years, the moment of high concept like virtue guru, complete sequence of robbery in Qin-xiu , merit is only one view of the division, 1 / 2000000 Ministry statement continued. Buddhas of the guru but one, the heart does not know the meaning are away from the close. Master End more than all the Buddhas, the Buddha remark among the pro-Tantra said, the department among the similar language, Buddha respectful guru for the ceremonies. For the grace is greater than the Buddha pro guru, salute dependent penance for rejoice in, do not violate teach ring back to find four irrigation, pray for blessing his body Language and Meaning. desire Lay made a Kalachakra initiation, ordained not commit murder and theft, sexual misconduct claim to have achieved lying. learn the special repair first law of this road, when there are three rounds of ritual display Traditional and Simplified, according to the source of heat that the tower rituals, learning with students when the round of repair rituals. practice three or four non-static in accordance with, the body holds seven law Pilu body quiet, silent language intended to static static no delusion, the three are required to complete one hundred and eight days of static. The door is not common practice law right view, irrational thoughts can so that living beings fall into hell, provoke terrible tribulations six bitter, get rid of all the delusion of bondage, into the pure law of the territory of quiescence. all delusion are both bitter source, if not eliminating all delusion, this side of the world can not permit Buddhahood, Bianzhi sleep over the San bit not available. want to get Bianzhi Conseco bit image of the hearts of all delusion, delusion of the magic bullet for eliminating, persistent practice do not relax. all the delusion and the source of false consciousness, as if to sleep, when dreams of Health, the current all sentient beings phase, emerged in all three types of images of suffering. hell, hungry ghosts animals and humans, heaven and Asura, etc. are relative, but karma is different phase, the actual meaning of the void as Tujiao. Dharmakaya Buddha throughout the Van Saint, all living beings have Tathagata, the Buddha's Dharma Body Mind of its own, without the level of the respective merits of size, all living beings who originally felt, only by extrinsic contamination, decontamination is the enlightened Buddha, there is no original Buddha without the freshmen. I know my own, there is no a non-sentient beings the Buddha, the Buddha Mind your reason, many say good mentor the world, there are Buddha things themselves do not understand, can not even understand the enlightenment, although Jones missed not have the knowledge. At present, the natural state of the mind Ming Kok, III quench all the delusion, the natural fresh self-evident clear heart, heaven no function and smooth natural. not to chase past all thought, the idea does not meet all the future will clear that the present state of feeling the heart, not to interfere with its natural resistance. to give up everything from heart to heart what he wants, to keep the baby not read the original heart, combined with experience on the teacher side of the pass, students will be able to issue a natural intellectual students. originally pure self-nature of the void, See it all disappear quietly watching, all the successful methods of ontology phase is straight with a sense of clear and bright environment. give birth to the empty fruit without youth is not holding an arrow to kill wild fancy, look into the sky, eyes open off thoughts of the sages breath dharmas teach. see that visibility in the realm of the heart, but whether the two were a no, no thinking no direct sense of intuition to the heart, this is called double-shipped. a mind free of any environmental enforcement see, this will be regarded as Yoga empty concept, this concept of emptiness as a method of view of all the worthies called vanity. dharmas opinion with very subtle air, clear the air out of the great wisdom, based on the division of the teachings of kindness, I see clear evidence of this true. Six show all the pure hue sector, in particular, the show was a great hue, hue seen as one watched the long-term holding power of this study do not relax. and that the nature of mind Master your mind, deity hundreds of millions of the world as a whole, where the root of the original fruit of the Holy goes, for this reason since the current permit re-teaches. heart live inaction of natural scenes, regardless of what appears to sink your mind, often to observe the speed Duanchu is known, Qin-xiu ignorance and delusion from the quench. in view to a state of tension heart, be able to be free to relax. like a fairy twist wool leisure, very important to grasp an appropriate degree. knowledge of good and evil thoughts of the human heart, see, I hate ignorance and irrational thoughts such as enforcement, locked in all go with the flow, let it all since the current phase since disappeared. like mixing water from the clear light self-evident, natural elimination of irrational thoughts in mind, the self luminous state fresh from the heart, let it wait and see Yuan Cheng Zhao. cessation of heart and winning concept combining the use of aligning rolls too freely, if admitted to the heart Tarzan task, all the goodness in the release into this wonderful way to teach the line of unity, that is all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas III, stream one million parents and teachers transmission method, follow the teacher to teach a serious effort to practice. Buddha of the law eighty four thousand, etc, etc void volume of many classics, the original discovery has Tathagatagarbha, each of the previous repair all humble, pure according to the teachings of good teachers to achieve the only goal of enlightenment Mind, Buddha being no other addition. so attend secular Bodhicitta and Shengyi Bodhicitta of the law, to attain a satisfactory Fuzhi MERITS achieve twin goals of self-serving altruism. I hope His Holiness Jonang Bianzhi Pakistan, good teaching streams reach the earth, all the world will never live in the domain off, the times when the generation of spreading prosperity. classic Ultimate care for him empty view, the Ministry of Xinsui King continued yoga method, see the line with a convent of the, open all the Dharma is the wish. Sambo of never easy to karma, eternal truth is cause, the justice teachings of the Lord Jonang Pakistan, the cause of hope and prosperity and prosperity. For those who practice Buddha, both inside and outside the body against the cause, and all sorts of harmful things, wishes are fast quench. integrable humble me and so the public, present and future and later, the Buddhist law of life together, hopefully not against the edge of all students. I hope in this life, quench all kinds of reverse karma, everything go into a long and healthy life, and often enjoy the happiness and joy. This act of good and holy cause, the end of the world in the holy church was prosperous, and everyone happiness and joy, complete line of Lee teaches riding out the Zhushan. For when the wheel and the teacher goes, in the final matter of faith pray for the cause, born a prince Shambhala State St., for education for the public complete the Italian line. wished the Buddha was born in the world, the holy church, prosperity, such as sunshine, was held to teach people in health and longevity, I hope the world forever, holy church. Qiefu music world with the birth of a source of long-lived prosperity of the Buddha of the law world, the coach for the industry all saints alive, I hope beneficial to keep the rich world live longer. The lineage of Vajrayana have flourished, both to eliminate all obstacles against the edge to obtain a total and not total all achievements, interests over the public land development. the closing, said: dharmas Self Wisdom Road, the original wisdom from clean, non-thinking from the dye wonderful yoga practice to concentrate to the blog. missionaries this good net as crystal, plot all the blessings which is willing to make all beings to open the heart lotus, the heart was the true face of Jianfo . above text, in order to meet Jonang law school students entering the public road repair, Chik Fuk karma needs, specially designed for school Jonang donor Sister repair, by the temple abbot Yong Xiang Tong Dan Sangbu for the September 1, 1998 .2005 Xiang Tong Temple fall under the request, by a number of knowledge translation  . mm Reprinted from:

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