Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Small retail investors have to think about the stock market down the truth

 [Chat] small retail investors think the stock market down the truth to be Ai Wei
capacity independent of those who do not enter. The other, non-recommended long-term investors do not look at my blog, here you need not get any information.
if they have fallen into the hole, it is best not to continue down dig ~
Reference article: Sarajevo hh hh hh the fuse of the First World War was, ready to re-divide the world imperialist powers, mutual advantage and collusion, and the Entente Allies have formed two military blocs, the international situation is deteriorating rapidly, so that war is inevitable. Sarajevo the event became a pretext for their open warfare.
【global stock market crash, why?】 I would like to tell you a big secret, this is due to the stock market crash: I want to buy stock, but high above No shares of stock so I can buy!
also three other auxiliary Tips reasons: 1, I heard a bike serious pollution than a car; 2, I heard that housing prices are too rich for the poor; 3 We see the dog days of the Lantern Festival on the eve of the. hh text from the We are accustomed to looking for their loss, U.S. government bailout?
First, we do not consider whether the U.S. government in the rescue, of course, I think that the so-called bailout is just to save the real economy problems only. I think we should not be taken for granted that the U.S. government in the rescue . calmly say, even if the U.S. government is going to save the stock market, then we have nothing to envy it? Below is the U.S. stock chart over the past three years, the U.S. stock market over the past three years alone more than 1 point from up to a maximum of 10 004 thousand points, which fell and broke a 10 002 thousand points. By contrast, China's stock market fell even recently, but they are still up nearly 300%. the so-called contentment, why should it be too greedy?
do not think the United States than the Chinese moon to circle, each market has its own characteristics are the Chinese stock market is no exception. It is true that many of China's stock market has its own problems, we should strive to promote it for the better.
(3) increase the mean income people assets?
most people seem to interpret this phrase as to understand it?
only effective prices , then they should fully understand this.
The figure also can be used to illustrate this point. I believe none of this term administration more accountable than it is now, and more attention to the interests of the majority of the people.
Original from: that is, , regardless of its transactions in U.S. dollars or HK transaction will not change the underlying assets are .
(5) Independent thinking is the root of all these
[quote] hh fact, the existence of society was President Richard Nixon called , but they do not want or bother to sound, making the sound of a lack of checks and balances of a monopoly, the formation of the so-called public opinion. This is one of the most frightening phenomenon. the whole community to be a correct view seemingly held hostage, and ultimately to no one expected the wrong way. So when they came for the Catholics, you remain silent, when they came for the Communists, did you remain silent, when they kill you, no one you make a sound .
I mean, of course, not to say that I think is right, on the contrary, I said these may be completely wrong, and may be ridiculously wrong. But I think these are not the crux of the problem At least I think I said it. for investment, The glowing pearl weak woman, walking in the dark of night in the bandit-infested foot.
[quote] hh can not be made to force an opinion is a special sin, hh if that opinion is right, then they are deprived of the wrong opportunity for the truth; if that opinion is wrong, then they are lost almost as great a benefit, it is the truth and error for the conflicts arising out of a clear understanding of the truth more and more vivid impression. hh John . Stuart. Mill .
, however, wanted to come to faith that things should be their first or even the integrity of their own can not guarantee the integrity of how to ask others to do?
stamp duty, I also hate high taxes, I can do is reduce the trading frequency, and I paid for the last year the total assets of approximately 0.16% of the stamp duty to heart it. Since so many investors want to reduce the stamp duty, stamp duty and that the higher it is unreasonable, then why would also like to pay so much per year do?
false accounts, misappropriating company, hate these companies. so I do not intend to pay any amount for these companies real money, I can do is that because I may be reluctant to encourage their arrogance.
unreasonable system of issuing new shares, for, indeed unreasonable. Now I think it is unreasonable, then I certainly would not pay for them, I can do is not participate in any IPO.
overestimated unreasonable, allowing malicious misappropriating large shareholders have the opportunity, so I used my only a few shares to suppress the stock market; underestimate the irrational, is not conducive to the development of capital markets, so I used my meager income buy 2 shares as much as possible.
hh hh
I believe that only immature investors, but not immature market, any market can be mature and need the efforts of each participant, where Perhaps most important is the management of course. I can do apart from calling for improvement (they will not listen to me), is used to fight their own behavior. do not pay more stamp duty, do not buy the company's stock fraud, does not participate in issuance of new shares In the context of my own ability I think do not contribute to any anomaly. ~ I believe that our market will be getting better and better.
whether there is one side against the misappropriating, while also sent real money it? Or that the reason against misappropriating, is not just because stock prices fell? If this began rising price of peace, and rose to 200, is not no one say, Peace and good? this I can not but cicada.
(7) the nature of things always existed in the nature of things there ~
, lay intact. not just exist in the process of price decline, the stock prices is exactly the course of his existence with the. inflated profits, fraud, misappropriating hh not because they fell and from scratch, why is it only when the stock fell to focus on that? the nature of capital markets, and not because of us recognized or not > Why would rather continue to fail in anger or frustration, but do not want to think about how to get success? at least, why not thinking, Why are their injuries, while others why can always make money from the stock market? regardless of bull or a bear market, whether up or down ~
anger, irrational people, which is still followed, anger can only hurt the people you love who loves you.
Look! this man
crouched like a weak heart
lizard spit
any stretch of fine red tongue

confusion in the will of its people Cuibo circuitous winding body sway to attract swing
Any person to dance
into confusion and then continue to haunt both the melody in exchange for corrupt
discount the power of the soul carrying the Ark

debris floating in the endless tide of history in the churn
churn out the sorrowful foam
peace of mind to greet every day. The Future for Investors, has nothing to do with yesterday's glory, but also with the painful lessons of yesterday has nothing to do, make each an investment, each investment is a start of a new course.
about to usher in the hot summer, send a cool fishing of wild mango (Photo from Hui Lau Shan).
wish all the retail world, there is a good investment process. truly wish more retail investors from the stock market money.
Government should not feel pressured to rescue not as an investment basis.

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