Sunday, December 19, 2010

Understanding of Buddhism, Venerable Master

 Advantage of this opportunity today to make a presentation to share with you our understanding of Buddhist topics is r. l outline has been distributed to you for, and we follow the script of the project, one by one to do the simplest description of you.
Is the origin of the first paragraph. the founder of Buddhism, Sakyamuni Buddha. Sakyamuni Buddha was born three thousand years ago in northern India, now Nepal. in accordance with our ancient Chinese history records, the Buddha was born in our twenty years of China's Wang Jia Yin Chow Chiu Woo , passed away at the King Mu of Zhou fifty years, seventy-year-old world life. we generally talk about BUDDHASTAY eighty years old, said that an integer is a seventy-year-old Mieduo Buddha, and say forty-nine. Buddhism spread to China official It is ten years after the Han Yong Ping, sixty five year spread to China. Buddha's history, we omitted all, today we focus on the Buddhist doctrine. What is Buddhism?
the second paragraph, explain the Buddhist Interpretation. What is Buddha? what it is called? We Buddhism, and always take it one thing clear.
l Buddha l r a r a little translation of Lord Buddha, which is the Indian Sanskrit word, we use transliteration, and the tail omitted, the Chinese people like simple, so the tone with a major Buddhist r. l ancient times in China, there is no such word, but Buddhism to China, we Chinese people a new creation the word. in the absence of Front side of the l word r, l r Vladimir meant as a negative, this is our ancient times there. So l r and the sound the same as the Buddha, but he is human, so we borrowed the word sound, plus a l who r, create a new word, this word becomes r l Buddha Buddhist technical terms, its meaning is the meaning of intellectual consciousness, is the intellectual, is sleep. So since it is the meaning of intellectual perception, it can say translation, why do with this original sound? of you must know the meaning of a word which the Buddha, although Chile is a feeling, but with us the meaning of this word is not exactly the same in China. so this is a last resort, have to use transliteration is not. after translation, plus to explain.
it the intellect, not the common wisdom. in the general interpretation which, it includes three types of wisdom: all the wisdom, Road kinds of intelligence, Yiqiezhongzhi. What is all the wisdom it? If you take the inside of the terms of modern philosophy, it is easy to explain. all wisdom, is that some of the universe ontology, ontology of philosophers talked about, you understand it thoroughly, without error, the wisdom of all wisdom r. so called l All wisdom is empty, Wan Law emptiness, All That body of law is a vacuum, this is the first kind of wisdom.
second kind of wisdom is wisdom Road, which is the phenomenon that the law of all million flowers will. Therefore, this species is all, between the flowers will universe, all the law too much, not very enumeration. how these laws come from? come under what reason? people how come? mountains and rivers of the earth is how come ? how our solar system come from? how stars are formed? This is a very high intelligence. If the formation of the universe and how all things, and these are learned, all know, there is no mistake, this kind of intellectual wisdom cried. than in front of that wisdom, is indeed higher, to complex.
third wisdom, can be said that the wisdom of what a successful, called Yiqiezhongzhi. because some people know all the intellectual r, l, l do not know the road species are known r. l Road, Chi Chi r species, and also know all the intellectual l r, is still not satisfactory. In other words, all kinds of Chi Chi festive with the channel, that is life for the entire universe, omniscient, omnipotent, it can be called Yiqiezhongzhi.
all wisdom so l r, Lohan got on the card, l Road kinds of wisdom Buddha Card was r, l r Yiqiezhongzhi only permits the Buddha was. It can be said that the three intellectual is the Ocean, Buddha, the Buddha. so will need to be explained, with the wisdom of our general ideas which are not the same. Chi is the body, there is the body, of course, will work. the role of what is it? role is to feel, consciously, feel him, feel a complete line, which is great feeling.
which we speak of Confucianism, l University Road, in the Ming Mingde, in the PFP, in all worlds r. We can Confucian This passage interpreted as conscious, felt him, felt the line successfully. l Mingming De l r is the conscious r, l felt his PFP r is l r, l feel l line of all worlds is a complete r r, these terms can not be explained in detail with you, the time to explain our decision to not enough. It is used with Confucianism with Buddhism is indeed very close, which is l with r.
body and it is wise to use, this is called a l l be able to feel r. l r of course are r, the feel is it? method is l r rl law which is a synonym for the Buddhist, what is a synonym for it? life and the universe is always synonymous with All That Law. We explain here the heart, environment, events, management, inside parentheses are the total universe synonymous to use this method a l r to represent, so this is the Buddha r.
l i feel is not a religion, Buddhism is not an academic, not philosophy, then what is it Buddhism? Buddhism is Buddhism. Why? because philosophy can feel, some feel that this is philosophy. Buddhism is also able, by, but can not have a second, which is very, very difficult to understand. to which is not two Therefore, when the Buddha talked about the High, Wan law as, Phase Fuji, heart, Buddha, sentient beings, the three non-discriminatory. this is about to the Fuji, it is our philosophy which does not have now. so it not philosophy, which can include philosophy, philosophy on it. Philosophy does not include the Buddha, the Dharma can include philosophy. This is a simple explanation of the word, that is, all the things we million law, wisdom, understanding correctly, can complete, what's, successful and clear, this is called Dharma. So boundless Buddha often said, of course, endless. because the law does not All That margin, no margin of our wisdom, for the law to make void all over the Dharma Realm omniscient, nothing nobody knows, this is called Dharma.
Third, what is Buddhism? Buddhism is the Buddha's education, the Buddha Education. Chinese people since ancient times, like the brief, the Buddha called education to Buddhism, the Tuo, education omitted. Dazhi Big Buddha is feel, as I said before, so education is the Buddha Zhijue the universe and life education, which is the true nature of Buddhism.
Buddhism today, we see in society, there are four different forms in world. The first form is the traditional Buddha Education. The traditional Buddha educating the small, rare in our world can be said is rare, we all forget, neglect, and do not know that Buddhism is education.
The second is an academic, that is, into a philosophy of Buddhism, this is also considerable. most scholars, they are Buddhist, are using this kind of attitude, is the study of Buddhism as a philosophy. My first Buddhist Rufo Men, did not go beyond this range, but also to study Buddhism as a philosophy.
third, we can say is the most common, the overwhelming majority, that is, religion has become a Buddhist. it would have been not a religion, it has become a religion . This is very unfortunate, but the religious became okay, why? is not harmful. of you to know that it is all religion is superstition, Buddhism there is no superstition. religion is superstition and religion are feelings, Therefore, emphasis on religious zeal. do not speak the Dharma in this, sense of Buddhist teachings, the wisdom of Buddhist teachings, do not speak feelings. Buddhism is not lost, decisions are not superstitious, so of you must know, Buddhism had not a religion, has now become a religion. then we want to study Buddhism, you learn the Buddha's education? you are still learning the Buddhist religion? It is clear we must identify.
fourth, most unfortunately, is only appeared in recent decades The. Buddhism into a cult, and become heretics a. a lot better than the law, with the name of Buddhism, all sentient beings deception, I think of you students have also been reported. we often see in newspapers and magazines, in all kinds of evil in Buddhism , this becomes a cult. This is our society today, to see four different forms, must be clear, we must understand.
the fourth paragraph, we talk about Dharma request. Buddha Buddha wisdom, since it is education, that it is the wish? the goal of education in there? here to tell you the students, teaching purposes, the word on, we often see: l A hoe many Romans despise these three Buddha r. Sanskrit words are transliterated, translated into Chinese means is r. l supreme enlightenment of you are such a glance at this table know, translated into Chinese characters, is the supreme being and other enlightenment. We start with the following speakers , the talk about enlightenment.
feel is felt rather than fans. Buddhism recognizes some of the world, his consciousness. like our world philosophers, scientists, religionists, he does have consciousness, he has a considerable degree of consciousness, But the Buddha refused to sign the right word to him. The CNS signs are unique to Buddhism, the signs can not give him. Although he felt, not enlightenment. So what is the enlightenment it? enlightenment in Buddhism there is a standard, it is necessary See trouble Duanjin and we have to think enlightenment is called. In other words, although you have felt, but you also, I, is Africa, there is greed, hatred, ignorance, pride, You feel, not enlightenment. enlightenment of the people, must get rid of the ego, greed, hatred, ignorance, pride, see trouble Duanjin of thinking. So Ching who? is the Arhat.
in Dharma school, if you want to get this achievement , you really achieved enlightenment, and that you have a name like degree. We are now studying the world, you read a certain extent, get a degree. Degree, graduated from college. graduate school, you can get Master degree, doctorate. Buddhism also places. So Rohan, Bodhisattva, Buddha, Buddhist education which is the name of a degree. If you have enlightenment card, in other words, you get a degree Arhat. If you are waiting for Ching, then you get the degree of the Buddha.
l so r is equal to the Buddha r. l is equal to the Buddha, of course, has not become a Buddha. when it was equal to the Buddha? necessary to clear your heart to be able to equal the Buddha . not to clear your heart, how you can not equal to the Buddha. because the Buddha with the ordinary person, even with the Lohans, the intention is different. Lohans The following are used Bashi, we are used Bashi Bono, Buddha, not eight knowledge, the Buddha is a switch Bashi into four wisdom, clear your heart. Buddha is really as with nature, is to use a mouse. arhat The following is Wang Xin. So if you can really, not with Wang Xin, and then you equivalent to a Buddha. Buddha with sincerity, you use the heart, of course, you and the Buddha on the same subject, so I was just waiting for enlightenment. to such enlightenment is, you have the degree is the Buddha, Bodhisattva is awaiting enlightenment.
So learned a great repair at no higher than this then is the Buddha school, and no further than this high, is so called supreme enlightenment, there is no more than this on, this is the Buddha. so of you must know which Buddhism about the Buddha, Bodhisattva, Arhat, that is, there are three levels of Buddhist education, the three levels of achievement and gave him the name, is the meaning.
Here we simply make a conclusion, that is, l feel the r, is the decision no fans, a is clear. is to understand the reality of the universe and life, all understand the truth of the universe and life, and all awake. So Buddhism are asking is whether the wisdom of successful.
Buddhism tells us that the wisdom of what a successful, It is our instinct, not come from the outside. If come from the outside, in other words, not everyone success. Buddha had the wisdom of some of our own, in other words, every one of us Buddha can be done, everyone should do the Buddha. This is the Buddha, Buddhist education, often prompts. Flower Adornment Sutra, said: l All living creatures have Tathagata wisdom de phase r, should be. Awakening of Faith, MA Ming Buddha told us: l rl this sense there is this sense of the r is it? is so supreme enlightenment, this is our our sleep, we would have some. l feel the non-r, we feel lost , lost it? to our lost this sense, our own supreme enlightenment is so lost, lost. of you to know that this is lost, not really lost. when your consciousness, you'll be the wisdom of recovery. your wisdom restored, with Shifangzhufo goes no other. So the Buddha Flower Adornment in the analogous, and is to this truth tells us that all living beings had become a Buddha. Therefore, the eyes and all sentient beings the Buddha are the Buddha. so anxious to teach is absolute equality. Buddhism, each of us, pointing at the sky. Buddha is really successful achievement of wisdom, that is, between the achievements of our universe, everything everything all clear, is seeking the Dharma. So he and not the same religion, a religion which must be masters of the universe of the gods, Buddhism is not there.
we worship Buddha, the Buddha is our teacher. We support his teacher meant to commemorate, not to treat him as a god . We Bodhisattvas, Buddha is our early mentors, he is the Buddha's students, he is in front of students, we are behind the students. We now Guanyin Bodhisattva is a potential to the relationship between the students, who learned in my first, I After he learned he was my old fellow students, is the relationship. of course, learned the old wisdom of seniors is much higher than me, his ability to teach me, we can look at him as a teacher. But he is also the interpretation of the division Caramel Muni Fo's disciples, I am also a disciple of the Sakyamuni Buddha division, we are actually students, teachers taught the same. all the Buddha with our classmates, the Buddha is our teacher.
so we call Buddha l r, l of the division known as r, we claim to be disciples l r, disciple is a student. Our relationship with the Buddhist teacher-student relationship, which only have a teacher-student relationship in education. Therefore, we understand, do not confused.
fifth paragraph of the policy say that it's teaching, it must know. Buddhist teaching and learning, thorough superstition. Buddhism and not feel lost and completely do away with superstitions, inspiration is unwise, so can discern, is clear. so Each of us have the ability to understand and identify the universe of all million law of life, it is true, false? you can identify, that is, evil? What is the l is r, l non-r? What is a good r l , l evil r? What is the l interest r, l harm r? you do a clear, plainly called Buddhism, the decision was not reversed. So Buddhism is very great, very rare valuable.
built rational, not emotional; big sleep, not confused; work hard, not slacking off; enterprising, optimistic, progressive, compassionate world view of life save the world. We Wuliangshoujing inside, the benefits to the real interests, read many times. Buddha Education to We are the true interests of the Mahayana satisfactorily address the suffering of all sentient beings. Even life and death problems can be solved, the rest are small problems. The biggest problem is how to go beyond six cycle, such as how to attain unsurpassable enlightenment is not Health immortal, this is a big problem. Therefore, the small world problem, trivial, that was not enough channels. big problems can be solved, not to mention the small problem? we really want to know, really willing to repair school, learn a skill that no the same can not be solved, access to truth, goodness, beauty, wisdom, eternal happiness of educational goals. Therefore, we should really know, Buddhist teaching objectives and targets, no one does not ring contacts for further studies. So Buddhism beyond religion, as it is education. < br> I have taught in a Catholic college for a semester, the graduate students who are priests, nuns, Christian Theological Seminary, I had lessons with them, I tried to persuade them to convert to Sambo, a good Buddhist. To what? Buddhist definitely not against his religion. For example, your Christianity, you are children of God. you today Sambo convert to Buddhism there to study Buddhism, Sakyamuni Buddha, you are students. Sakyamuni Nepal Buddhist students, and you are God's children, there is no conflict it! you have parents at home, you have teachers in school, can not say that I went to school to study, I will betray their parents, and not the truth, here is study. If you refuse to come to study Buddhism there, God said that the children very well and good, but unfortunately no education. if, to accept the Buddha in Buddhist education, God is glorious. my child is good, is the most intelligent Sakyamuni Buddha's students face also glory of God. Renhe Zong Christians can accept the Buddhist education. So if Buddhism has become religious, then it is conflict. if I study Buddhism, to betray my taught. If you know that Buddhism is Sakyamuni Buddha's education, in other words, this problem solved.
So Buddhism does not conflict with any religion, with any country, not all social conflict. it seek is true, the good, beauty, wisdom, eternal happiness goals. Let me ask you, you either asked the religious school? you ask this you do not have the wisdom not, you can not distinguish! they must make clear understanding of Buddhism, Buddhism in the end how the same thing? why there are so many rejection of Buddhism, why reject it? ignorance of Buddhism, do not understand. see out worship, this is the Buddhist religion, superstition, so that Buddhism is superstition. people say that we is a superstition, we must also recognize, why? outside the temple you go to look, really superstitious. you guys learn the Buddha, and converted, and even by the ring, and asked fans not your fans? fans ah ! What is Buddhism? do not know. repair what? do not know. learn about? do not know. how do you not lost it? why people say that we are superstitious, we can do nothing to answer others, is the superstition it! gotta clear. is not clear, we do not the method of acceptance.
then the goal of teaching, we understand, only know that Buddhism is so complete, so good. So what is it teaching the program? this is very important. caught to the program, learning becomes easy. Mahayana Buddhism in Three Refuges, four Hong, six times the maximum guidance for the teaching program. This is what we often talk about Buddhist practice. repair what? practice behind a simple table m modifying behavior. This To find out the meaning of the word.
What is practice? practice is to amend behavior. acts, including the scope is very broad. dharma with three, body, mouth, meaning, all included. the body of all artificial, the body behavior. mouth words which is the mouth of the act. heart of the idea, thought, opinion, thought is the behavior of your mind. actions with error correction should it come, is called practice. so practice, people heard practice, factors that must be long to eat, every day Qiaomu Yu chanting, this is called practice? this misunderstanding, and have made a mistake. real practice there? read from the heart. I thought of it, and know my thoughts are wrong, immediately make it right. this idea, I am self-interest expense of others? my idea of it is greed, hatred, ignorance, pride? This is wrong, immediately correct it, is called practice. practice, where repair? who have decided to place in the . We speak, think of words that should not have said? not to say, wrong, we need to amend it over. Some of our body movements, such as the method is better method? better method, we modified it over, the called practice.
daily worship Buddha that was like, form. in the form of a real practice of people it does not matter. Why should not matter form? forms of the same with singing performances, putting on a show. done to those people see? do to those who are not Buddhists see. those people are so devout Buddhists, Buddhism in the end what? you this prayer, and bowed to the truth you can tell he listened, he suddenly understand. curiosity in this way to lure him, lure him to ask him to ask, you can teach him. He does not ask you, you teach him useless.
Buddhism since it is education, education is the teaching profession dignity. respect for teachers. only to hear to learn, did not hear to teach, so Buddhism does not enrollment. no admissions of people how to do this? is a mass one, let him. We show, do like this, to lure him. He come, then after coming to teach him the true Dharma. So you know we like to sing a solemn, is like singing, like those who sing the theater to see, you need to know the meaning. that we're playing the singing ones, but seriously, like to sing like, can not just be like that role Caixing. so we have to understand, so the meaning of Buddhist education with a very deep, very perfect.
thousands of years, This teaching has done a high degree of art. so we really understand, it being applauded this idea. He used this approach to recruitment, to lure people to ask questions, to the Buddha to ask. So really own practice is important in real terms, not heavy form. the benefit of all sentient beings are re-form, that form is very important. Now know the definition of practice, and practice should be standard. Otherwise, I modified behavior, my actions are evil, now? good and evil? If there is no standard, and that What to repair? how do you know my behavior is evil is for good? know how my behavior is what is evil? This should practice a program to teach you, use this standard to a measure to know that our behavior is positive Or evil? good or evil? meet this standard is good, is positive. contrary to this standard is evil, is evil.
first standard, absolute standard, that is, the Three Refuges. The three of you converted with mentioned, we also recorded in the studio tapes. The question about fifty minutes, made it very detailed, I hope you have to listen, to remember. Why? This is our revised standards of behavior. standards are not well, how do you a repair method? not do anything repair.
take refuge is back, according to rely on. Three Refuges is the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, the Sambo Sambo Self talk. Self Sambo, which is our true Gui- By Department, rather than convert to the outside Sambo. outside the three treasures, not our true refuge. of you must know, the Buddha's meaning and not feel lost. I said before, the meaning of the Buddha is the perception, perception is not lost. refuge in the Buddha is reversed back to the confusion, according to Self awareness, awareness without the fans, called refuge in the Buddha. So Buddha, what is Buddha? I Self consciousness, India, Sanskrit is called the Buddha. is really about is Conversion Self sensation, we say in Chinese is the meaning. then converted to the Buddha called Sanskrit.
conversion laws. law is being conducted in the right to know, is the right view, right thought. In other words, from the mistaken idea wrong views, wrong views, go back to, to comply with its own nature is conducted in the right to know, is called conversion laws.
third is Sangha. the meaning of Monk is clean, is the six so-called clean and spotless. What l r is called pollution? We six contact with the outside realm, seeing color, heard the sound of a contact, co-own ideas to play a zealous, and your heart was stained his joy; substandard own meaning from the angry heart rage heart, and you were contaminated by Chen Hui. heart could have been clean and spotless. So joy, anger, sadness and joy, love, evil, desire, we Chinese people say impassioned five desires, it is pollution. so you To keep a clean heart, not to be emotional, do not worry about pollution. so polluted that the feelings and worries, what you do not let the pollution, and keep your heart pure, is called Sangha.
Sangha not converted to a monk. you rely on the monks, unreliable, you're wrong. You often say conversion, I converted to a Master. impermanence of the Master there that day, or die. dead, you how distinguish it? death, I converted to no place, and then go to a ceremony of conversion. How can this be justified? this mistake.
conversion is the conversion of treasures from, not to convert the outside . outside Sambo relationship with our practice of course, but the relationship is not deep, not pro, is a layer of distant relations. What is the estranged relationship? because it reminded me that since we are immeasurable robbery, is confused, evil dye, Since the infinite is engaged in the robbery. why they engage in six reincarnation, transmigration of the industry every day, making six. Now that we study Buddhism, and learn the Buddha, we must Yifo learned to do, act to amend our body and mind, just like Buddha the same. feel, is the net do the uttermost to become a Buddha.
feel, is a net words successfully, and to become a Buddha. has not yet satisfactorily, is still to do, do not complete is called Bodhisattva. Bodhisattvas still a student, complete to graduate, graduation Buddha. What is the Buddha? Buddha is felt, is the net of the three successfully. bodhisattva has not satisfactorily, successfully called the Buddha, we must remember that of you. < br> I just said, the abbot of Sambo, the relationship with us is sparse, not pro-relationship. pro-nature relationship is self-awareness, positive, net, which is our true refuge. sparse relations, it reminds us that home for the Buddha, Bodhisattva for the family to support the classic, full of all your family treasures. Buddha is Sangha, the Buddha is the Sangha of you to know. you see the Buddha, one can see statues, we think of self-nature feel, to think of sleep without fans, so statues to our great merit. not to forget the Buddha. often see statues, often remind myself and not feel lost. I often see one by the book, whether you read do not read, seen by the book I know they think is right view, I can not have evil knowledge and deviant views, are not to be evil. to see a monk, Buddha, Arhat, all is the monk. Buddha Monk, Monk Lohan, Bono monks are monks. see Monk the public, I immediately thought of six clean and spotless.
so abbot treasures, it has to remind our own role. If we do not see the image of the abbot of the Three Treasures, Three Refuges will forget it, so there abbot Sambo great kindness. It's merit is to remind us always feel, is, net, to remind us not fans, not evil, not dyed, so it has such a big advantage.
significantly below that, dense Zhuzong. Buddhism was taught there, had a secret teaching. Esoteric Esoteric is. were taught, was divided in many esoteric sects, each sect is divided in many of salvation. We often talk about four thousand Dharma, Dharma immeasurable.
Buddhist Dharma. l method is a method r, l r is the gateway to the door, doorway, a method, a doorway. denominations more, the method more, avenue more, you ask him what repair? repair feel, is the net. If repair is not felt, is the net, and it is not a Buddhist by. Buddhism repair felt the decision, is, net, whether it is in that case, no matter which faction. exoteric, esoteric is good, regardless of the Dharma, all repair is feel, is the net. but every denomination, every method is not used as Dharma.
such as our Pure Land is always designed with the idea, that is, read this sentence Namo Amitabha l r, a method by which to reach feel, is the net. Zen studies with the reference method, the method of Reference thread of her conversation with the view of the heart of the method. Tantric method with mantras. Lvzong with the precepts of the method. like a roof with a meditation method. So the different ways, but you have to know all is to feel positive net repair. This is the so-called l Famennian equality, goes for no other, in the final element goes, much more convenient door r. So the convenience of all is practice. the whole Buddhism, from the onset heart to attain Buddhahood, no matter which of these, that faction, then a Dharma feel, is, the net is absolutely standard practice. Second, tell Sihongshiyuan.
Sihongshiyuan: The first is the boundless living beings vows degrees; second vow to break the endless troubles; third vow to learn measureless Dharma; the fourth is the supreme Buddhist vows into. Sihongshiyuan is Bodhicitta. Bodhi heart heart straight talk, straight to the heart is sincere. View Wuliangshoujing on about the deep heart, great compassion, back to the vow heart. then Confucius Confucianism which has said the direct heart is sincere. deep heart with great compassion, the Confucian argument is Zhengxintai. They say nature of things, extension of knowledge, sincerity, Sacred Hearts, Slim, regulating the family, ruling the state and the world. Confucianism, Buddhism is not like talking about seeking and and can be cross-checked. Confucianism stresses less, multi-Buddhist teachings. to get Buddhist scriptures to explain the Confucian classic, very, very successful. Confucianism Buddhism is really not affect the harmony. so straight heart? is Sihongshiyuan supreme Buddhist vows inside the l into r. deep heart? is l endless trouble breaking vows, vows immeasurable Dharma School r. great compassion, back to the vow heart is boundless vows l ° r.
beings but this Sihongshiyuan, I think you were once issued each. fat is made, mouth skin, hair, and he has no hair. Why? l beings degree r. boundless vows that all beings, I hate him, I do not level him. you want the degree you look pleasing to the eye, like living beings. dislikes, do not like living beings, you do not level him. This does not indicate below the degree ml vows boundless beings, I do not like him I do not degree r, there is no such comments. so you are equal to the heart, clean heart, great compassion, equality, liberate, not difference. only what where the difference? root is ripe not mature. In other words, he is willing to accept. If he is willing to accept Buddhism, he is my deep-seated antagonists, I have to help him. he did not want to accept, he is my parents, relatives I told him no alternative, there is no identified method, he would not accept it. so familiar unfamiliar look at root, no grudges. the so-called Yuanqin equal, so the Buddhists to work hard in this place. Sihongshiyuan say the following ten Big let the king. to all of you said, would have to be to the Western Paradise, to be able to complete success. This time we talk about it in detail in the Wuliangshoujing inside a.
paragraph about six degrees. Six Degrees is the daily life of Buddha The Code is our daily from morning to night, doing things to treat people, what kind of principles we use to repair school? Buddha told us, the first to donate. giving what is it? giving is down, down million margin. down not tell you What not to do, and that problem worse. not mean that. is called your heart down, put down your troubles, your worries down, put down your cranky all day, this is the most important, the is very important. delusion persistence of these down. So now we have misunderstood that giving some money to give and take him quickly, thinking that this is giving the. The giving useless, this is not the Buddha giving. is to tell you, just kind of a little crazy blessing only, regardless of use. you did not help on behavior modification.
example, some people there to donate money to a Buddhist, why did he come to donate money? heard Buddhist homes Gains million reported this lucrative, this business Great. to come to giving in Buddhism, he is greedy come. Buddhism, he lay down his greedy, he is greedy come. Why should I donate? I donate a dollar today, tomorrow the Buddha to bless me for ten thousand block, multiple profits. the next day not ten thousand, oh! the Buddha not work, but also Mama Buddha, the Buddha is not working. is to put your own meaning out wrong. You did not find out, the Buddha is not the way to teach you . teach you donate, the delusion of the first one dedicated to giving you away, it give it up, giving a house, starting from local homes. This is very much defined by the inside. time is short, could not speak, later in the Lecture There will be talked about.
second precepts. precept it is the law, is the Buddha's precepts. Buddhist precepts for the students, we must follow. minimum, we should observe the five precepts ten good deeds, which must be complied with. Five Precepts Treatise is the basic precepts, we must follow. the country's constitution, laws and regulations, social customs, social morality, which is all the content in the discipline, we must abide by. called a family rules the state law of the land, immigration to follow the crowd, be sure to follow this one area of their laws and regulations, customs, moral values, this is called precepts. So precepts, do not do a very narrow sense of the. what, in Buddhism, what the Five Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts , monks quit, then you do a small is too small. The more you draw the circle smaller, what is useless? no use. of course, will not be accepted by the society, will not be contained by the society. This is not Buddha's intention, we have to know.
third insults. shame is to be patient, Whatever you do, be patient. the world are again simple, did not say one or two days to success. Moreover, such a deep Buddhism of a science, its goal is to complete the entire universe of consciousness to understand life, where is a few days, a few years can be successful, not possible. So patience must be strong, have perseverance, have perseverance, we can repair was successful. World out of law in this world, cause in order to have success, had to be patient. Diamond Sutra, said: l have all the law as in the tolerance r, so this is very important r l tolerance.
s four subjects are diligent. sophistication that is continually renewed, we are asked every day progress. do not progress, you will suffer. every day for progress, for every day of effort. dharma for further studies, such as from the enlightenment to enlightenment is to Ching supreme being, etc., should be up and continual improvement. do not progress, not achievement. bodhisattva level, a total of fifty-one level, it seems like the school, fifty-one ...

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