Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The world's top hackers figure - Kevin - Mitnick Legend

 People the world's top hackers, Kevin mm - Legend
Mitnick all in black ~ off, Kevin. Mitnick is the most legendary figure. Hollywood and even onto the screen of his. In his 15 years of age When alone a computer and a modem to break into the North American Air Defense Command computer system host. FBI listed him as the most wanted man, and his headache. can be said that m Teneyck is a real young black ~ off the first account.
Kevin. Mitnick was born in 1964 in Los Angeles in the United States west coast. Mitnick only 3 years old, his parents divorced. He followed mother lived, and soon learned to depend on, but the divorced parents of young in soul Mitnick caused a lot of trauma, his introverted, quiet.
Mitnick's mother is not much culture, lack of experience in the education of children, but this did not prevent the development of Mitnick superhuman intelligence. In fact, in the very young, Mitnick to show his computer in the future as the number one killer of the United States should have the talent.
Mitnick child like to play Surprisingly, Mitnick Napoleon soon led out of the encirclement. Two days later, Mitnick step let Napoleon spent only 83 survived the disaster of Waterloo. And a week later, Mitnick reached a level consistent with the experts mm78 step. Subsequently, Mitnick was put into the storage box of Napoleon, and the mother said softly: Mitnick was only 4 years old.
20 century, 70's, 13-year-old Mitnick is still in primary school, in love with the amateur radio activities, contact with radio amateurs around the world when he first a taste of the fun across space. When Mitnick access to a computer just to have learned his life was inextricably linked with the computer. Computer language l knife, an , he prepared the program simple, practical, the performance of the computer teachers were charmed by that beauty. In the computer world, cyberspace's most fascinating to Mitnick. in cyberspace, Mitnick hate being out of the reality of his life, vent his discontent with the real world.
time, the United States has started to build some community computer network. Mitnick communities where networks and home computers not only companies, universities similarities, but also linked to government departments and, of course. computer. Since then, he goes far beyond the age of patience and perseverance, trying to decipher the senior U.S. military code. Soon, only 15 years old Mitnick broke into the He and some friends looked over the United States and its allies point to the former Soviet Union data of all nuclear warheads, and then quietly slipped out. This is really the history of black ~ Customer .1983 of a classic Hollywood Zengyi This is the blueprint for filming the movie began to run into a very difficult problem, after all, is related to the strategic security throughout North America, this system is very complex password is set, originally designed to track Mitnick decoding process quickly defeated. Mitnick like a challenge, but He through the efforts to upgrade in two months time after the decoding process of tracking him, finally found the North American Air Defense Command's their place into the system. In this way, Mitnick on swimmingly, nuclear missiles name, number and location! are being applauded this idea. In this regard, Mitnick psychologically satisfied. companions found their king told the adults did not believe these kids are telling the truth.
this matter to the U.S. military have become a major scandal, the Pentagon has been silent on this. Later, American military intelligence experts Creighton said: dollar remuneration. The United States spent billions of dollars need to re-deploy. endure almost to tears by the Pacific company had to apologize again and again. the company started thinking that the computer broke down, after repeated testing, found that computer software and hardware are intact, I realized that someone cracked the code, deliberately to cause trouble. when they push One measure is to change the password, but this in front of it is fluff Mitnick.
Fortunately, when the company Mitnick has little interest in the Pacific. He's the FBI had a keen interest in computer networks . One day, Mitnick found that the agents are investigating a Mitnick now trying every means to crack the FBI's dismissive of it, he laughed at the endless search for these agents, and mischievous to the agents responsible for the investigation of several file transfer that will alter all of them became full of criminals.
with the latest type of Web information tracking machine Mitnick unusual talent, a lot of good, does not know the truth of people have asked the court for his leniency. perhaps because of cyber crime is still fresh, few precedents on the law, court obeyed , merely Mitnick locked up in a He has not repented. large company's network, was issued with the wrong people angry bills, altered beyond recognition a number of important contracts. He even decided to industrial secrets U.S. computer data center mm assembly system to attack the nation.
1988 law enforcement authorities, he was again arrest, the reason is, DEC accused him of stealing from the company network, the software worth $ 1,000,000 and $ 4,000,000 resulted in the loss. This time, he even was not allowed bail. lingering fear of the police authorities believe that as long as he has keyboard will pose a threat to the community. Mitnick was sentenced to one year in prison. After his release, he tried to find a stable job. However, the federal government that he was a threat to society, like the same proven rapist He is under close watch. Each of his employers are interested in computer skills, eventually because of his probation officer's warning and refused his application. This may be a very regrettable thing, even in a certain sense it Mitnick denied the possibility of evil become good.
1993, the very heart of the FBI is not practical or even bought a black ~ off associates, to induce re-operation Mitnick tactic to get him into the re- prison. and in this regard, Mitnick never have to much temptation, he was easily hooked on the illegal invasion of a telephone network. But the number one customer, after all, black ~ extraordinary, and he into the FBI's internal network, found they set the trap, and then ran away before the arrest warrants issued. FBI immediately conducted a nationwide wanted list on Mitnick. the following two years, the FBI not only failed to find traces of Mitnick, Moreover, the report is more so the case with the detective novel means: Mitnick on the run course, try to control a telephone system in California, so he can eavesdrop to track the whereabouts of his detectives.
Christmas Day 1994, Mitnick San Diego Supercomputer Center to launch an attack, Mitnick became famous as a character, later known as Tsutomu Shimomura so very angry, he decided to help the FBI to Mitnick brought to justice. Christmas, he painstakingly, non-stop, and finally in the occasion of Valentine's Day 1995 found Mitnick's whereabouts, and notify the Federal Investigation will arrest him. We can look back at the scene a little, Mitnick successfully invade the U.S. Motorola, the U.S. NOVELL, Finland's Nokia, the U.S. high-tech companies such as computer SUNMICROSYSTEMS and stole all kinds of procedures and data. According to information reported by these companies, FBI estimated the total amount of actual damage to 4 million. declared that pioneer, the first U.S. computer expert Tsutomu Shimomura level of challenge to a trial. He sent down to the village after the advance warning, invaded a computer at home the next village, theft out against the ; or am I smart. The , to the police department. personalized perverse decision immediately to the next village, have to get to the bottom can not be!
in the pursuit of the process, careful analysis of the village under the imprint of his opponent, who found the other hand is a crime. The next village decided to using a special mode of operation, so that their track Village left this sentence: capture the Mitnick directives issued wireless phones. Since then, he changed the parting, tenacious pursuit of this elusive, hidden, at the time, the vagaries of the wavelength.
natural, Mitnick is not of the generation. highly profitable telephone exchange center. Shimomura led the FBI agents arrived in Raleigh after careful search. definitely here! the owner is home. Mitnick Estate in computer crime made all the conclusive evidence. Since then, they are quietly waiting for Mitnick. Mitnick opened the door to go home for a time stunned and speechless, stunned. think he is very rich one thing to understand is how fast. He sadly said: the publication entitled adhere to deny the FBI's 400 million U.S. dollars in damage to the appeal that will never be the loss of so many In 1995 February, Mitnick was finally brought to court. in court, handcuffed to the Mitnick first meeting and testify in court and Tsutomu Shimomura, sincerely said: spent a considerable period of time. It is interesting that the lingering fear of the three judges unanimously rejected the Federal Mitnick's parole request, according to the judge as saying: , the entire United States, or even the whole world to be chaos. Global network of many computers in the implantation of the virus. Mitnick again because of the Internet into a new panic.
in the current global best-known Internet browser YAHOO! page, these claims PANTS, HAGIS unidentified Black ~ off the network left a blackmail note. This note claimed that their Internet browser YAHOO! in place a logic bomb, all created over the past month have YAHOO or browse the computer used YAHOO! are was placed in a virus. This virus logic bomb will start the 1998 Christmas in the global computer network in the raging everywhere. They claimed that Mitnick was released once they break the law will provide the virus.
this prove things in the dark ~ off Mitnick's position.
in prison, Mitnick transformed themselves do not know where to get a hand AFFM radio, and try to network. To this end, Mitnick was from the ordinary cell to another isolation cell, Block, 24-hour detention.
2000 �� 1 �� 21 �� Kevin. Mitnick released from prison and he became the focus of attention. Mitnick arrested the body than fat, but when the TV reports prison term, the long confinement to his body a little thinner than before, but even more spirit.
one out of the prison gate, Mitnick was held immediately press conference, in 1995, strongly condemned the comprehensive coverage of the event, . he did not damage the company's means, there is no actual loss caused to the company, their actions only to enter the company's database. generally encountered this kind of thing, that they will exaggerate the amount of losses in the extreme.
example, the theft of the source Mitnick (SOURCECODE) when the U.S. company to declare the price of SUN 8000 million. But the recent discovery of SUN afterwards, 100 million dollars will be sold to software developers source code. In addition, though, and the case is not directly related, the U.S. telephone company BELDeOUTH also in 1990, to the alarm program is a $ 57,000 loss. However, the same procedure went so far as the price was 13 dollars to public sale.
these things came to light, Mitnick's sentence was relief for some, the date of release than anticipated early. While the FBI has not changed the amount of damage, but the fines greatly reduced Mitnick. Bureau of Justice had requested $ 1,500,000 penalty and the federal district court ruling only delivered $ 4,100 Mitnick. The fine, if not to have to use the computer to work from.
Mitnick said after his release from prison to college for the first re-learn the computer. But it seems from the present situation, Mitnick far this desire can not be achieved. ; because in the next 3 years imprisonment observation period, he will be banned computer, even mobile phones and modem, of course, prohibit the use of the Internet. If you want to renew old friendships and friends, or with other black ~ off for technical exchange, only relying on an exchange of letters means. This Mitnick is undoubtedly the most painful. from the high school era, Mitnick to indulge in fled underground life, in addition to other things outside the little knowledge of computers. And in modern society no matter what kind of work you are, of course, is to use the computer a lot. not allowed to use a computer, just as tied by Mitnick hands and feet, Mitnick doomed to mental suffering in the suffering.
Black ~ customer behavior like taking drugs, once contracted is difficult to quit. Mitnick for such as the Internet up to a free black ~ Customer master is even more so. Mitnick's lawyers have in court that his client complaints: Because of this, people Mitnick after his release prepared plus interest will go.
Mitnick also still young, Mitnick's story is far from finished.
legendary hacker Kevin. Mitnick
a lot of people think that Kevin. Mitnick is the world's and even quite a few hackers are disgusted with him, that he was only with the attacks, non-technical attacks mad, but the experience was a legendary hacker enough to stand shocked the world, but also makes the disgrace of all network security personnel face.
in Mitte was a child, his parents divorced. He lives with his mother, from small to form a Fox .70 secluded stubborn character of the decade, Mitt was still in primary school when hooked radio technology, and soon became a master in this regard. Then he quickly on the community One day, the teacher found that he broke into the school's computer network system from other schools, so he had to drop out. some communities in the United States to provide computer network services, the communities in which Mitt network, home computers and business only, University of similarities, and similarities and government departments. Of course the door to these territories will have the computer password. At this time, an unusually bold plan to Mitt brain is formed. After these, he goes far beyond the patience of their age and perseverance, a senior U.S. military tried to crack the password. Soon, only the 15-year-old Mitt into the data of nuclear warheads, and then quietly slipped out interest-free. It became a hacker classic history.
successfully into the the other sites. Soon after, he entered the United States, the famous company had to pay compensation. Pacific Computer Company began to think the computer has failed, after quite a long time and found no problem with the computer itself, which makes them finally understand: your system has been compromised.
when rice particular company has little interest in the Pacific. He began to attack the FBI's network system, but the success soon enter. a Mitt that the federal Office is investigating a transfer fruit see a result, he was surprised mm this precedent, the court only to Mitt locked up in a may get rid of the previous bad habits. fragile network of great challenge for him. He turned to target large companies. in a very short time, he successively entered the United States five large corporate network, continue to disrupt their networks system, and cause the loss of these companies In 1988 the amount of people hacking the system he was imprisoned once again. As repeated, this time he did not even have a chance to bail. Mitte sentenced to one year in prison and was prohibited from engaging in computer networks. waiting for him after his release, the FBI has bought one of Mitt's best friend, to induce Mitt again attacked website in order to once again get him into it. Results mm Mitt actually hooked, But, after all, extraordinary skill, the FBI into the inside and found the trap they set, and then arrest warrants issued before the fled. through the hands of high technology, Mitre in the process of escape, but also control of the local computer system, so in order to know all the information about the track he.
Later, FBI go to what is known as Min. Tsutomu Shimomura began his long and difficult track down Mitt action. He painstakingly, non-stop, and finally discovered in 1995, Mitt's whereabouts, and notify the FBI to reappear In 1995 February, m Special once again brought to court. in court, handcuffed and looking at the first meeting of the Mitre's next village Mian, sincerely: Mitt sentenced to 4 years at the prison. in Mitte prison during the hackers around the world together, consistent with the release of Mitt, and major attack by the government for the off site actions to express their requirements. group of hackers even a special system called Teneyck legendary
prodigy Kevin - Mitnick is recognized as the world's 15 years. The length of his crime, crime so many times, devastating large, the essence of his technique and experience the legend, are so shocked the world, but also to make them ashamed of the police computer.
m Teneyck only 3 years old, his parents divorced. He lives with his mother, a very young age learned to self-reliance, but also the formation of a lonely childhood to the late character of .70, 13-year-old is still on the Mitnick primary school, in love with the amateur radio activities, contact with radio amateurs around the world when his first taste of the fun across space. He was soon on the community the fans, and therefore played a superb computer training expertise and operational skills. high school teachers agreed that he was a bright, promising child training, until the day that he used the school computer network into the other schools. one shock, he therefore had to drop out.
At that time, the United States have started to build some community computer network. Mitnick communities where networks and home computers not only companies, universities similarities, but also linked to government departments and . Of course, these . Since then, he goes far beyond the age of patience and perseverance, trying to decipher the senior U.S. military code. Soon, only 15 years old Mitnick broke into the and some other friends a search of the United States and its allies point to the former Soviet Union data of all nuclear warheads, and then quietly slipped out. This is really the history of a hacker classic.
into the air defense command system The company's computer users, particularly celebrities phone numbers and mailing address. For a time, these users have been frustrating enough to create misunderstandings, the company also had to repeatedly apologize for the Pacific. the company started thinking that the computer broke down, after repeated testing, computer hardware and software that are intact, I realized that someone cracked the code, deliberately to cause trouble. was the only measure is to modify their password, but this is really in front of fluff Mitnick.
Fortunately, when the Mitre Nick has no interest to the Pacific. He's the FBI had a keen interest in computer networks. One day, Mitnick found that the agents are investigating a survey data to. I watched, he was shocked: respondents turned out to be his own! Mitnick now trying every means to crack the FBI's full of criminals became altered.
With the latest version of A child under 16 years of age, all extreme dismay. a lot of good, does not know the truth of people have asked the court for his leniency. perhaps because of cyber crime is still fresh, few precedents on the law, court obeyed was parole. However, he did not repented. computer network temptation is too great for him. This time he set our sights on some big companies a good reputation. in a very short time, he entered the United States five consecutive networks of large companies, people angry error was issued with the bills, a number of important contracts altered beyond recognition. He even decided to industrial secrets U.S. computer data center mmm assembly system to attack the nation.
1988, he was again arrested by law enforcement authorities , the reason is, DEC accused him of stealing from the company network, $ 1,000,000 worth of software, and caused loss of $ 4,000,000. This time, he even was not allowed bail. lingering fear of the police authorities that as long as he a keyboard would pose a threat to the community. Mitnick was sentenced to one year in prison. After his release, he tried to find a stable job. However, the federal government that he was a threat to society, so he is under close watch. Each of his employers are interested in computer skills, eventually because of his probation officer's warning and refused his application. This in a sense, deprived of Mitnick possible evil become good.
1993 ��, and my heart is not very practical or even buy a hacker the FBI associates, to induce re-operation Mitnick tactic to once again put him in jail. Mitnick easily on the hook for illegally hacked into a telephone network. but After all, the number one hacker extraordinary, and he into the FBI's internal network, they found the trap set, and then ran away before the arrest warrants issued. FBI immediately conduct a nationwide wanted list on Mitnick. then two years, the FBI not only failed to find trace of Mitnick, and that the report is more so the case with the detective novel means: Mitnick on the run course, try to control a telephone system in California so that he could eavesdrop tracking the whereabouts of his detectives.
1994 Christmas, Mitnick San Diego Supercomputer Center to launch an attack, a dangerous situation. computer expert Tsutomu Shimomura. Mitnick steal data from their own hands and file the order of the village Mian very angry, he decided to help the FBI to Mitnick brought to justice. Christmas, he painstakingly, non-stop, and finally in 1995 on the occasion of Valentine's Day found Mitnick's whereabouts, and notify the FBI to arrest him in February In 1995, Mitnick was finally brought to court. in court, handcuffed to steering the first Mitnick and testify in court the next time we met the village Mian, sincerely said: for a long time. It is interesting that the lingering fear of the three judges unanimously rejected the Federal Mitnick's parole request, as the judge's words, and even the whole world to be messed up. All this does not seem to be for the money, of course, not only in retaliation for another person or the community. He is a free computer programmers, with the old, is living in his mother's old apartment. he did not use his a recognized computer genius, or the use of his superhuman skills to handling money, although it is not very difficult for him to do. And he is not thought to use their access to some of the decryption system, steal important information to make money . For the DEC's allegations, he said: things, the invasion of decryption is very obsessed with the computer system, this can give up everything. He has a computer egregious special feelings of ordinary people, when Los Angeles review ...

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