Monday, October 25, 2010

1. Confidently thinking and

 Operations, striving for what you want.

ask yourself, If the answer is However, if the process of achieving them, you got other people or environmental barriers to negative factors, you do not control, it is best to see the situation immediately and actively to achieve through other means desire.

2. actively accept the task, and the pioneering spirit of initiative to take responsibility, make decisions and put it into action.

the more active you are, the greater the responsibility, we can better take the initiative to take on more responsibilities. The more passive you are, the easier it is indecisive, waiting for positive people to make a decision.

3. demand the ability to work.

if necessary, will be a real positive person to complete the work that even very boring, and not feel discouraged and no sense of accomplishment. However, in doing this but will not give the necessary inspiration for the work, he will develop programs, brewing hope to avoid as much as possible into the daily life of these tedious move.

4. frankly the ability to face failure.

If you are a mature and positive person, you will stand the test of the difficulties in life, you will arrive with their own inner strength? and against unreasonable things are imposed on you, stupid leadership and life in combat, to avoid becoming a psychological depression and self-defeating people.

5. unselfishly to others to show appreciation, passion and love, engaged in the cause of good ability.

just hard to appreciate and love is not enough, we must from the heart, and through positive words and deeds to practice it. They do not have any negative effect of inhibition, the positive words and deeds is the selflessness that we have been true love.

6. get rid of loneliness, make friends, the ability to maintain friendships.

in any society are those who seek the friendship of the people are more popular. They make a lot of enthusiasm for good inconspicuous small. They call friends. They always smiled, and seemed concerned about each other. Achievements of others, they will congratulate him. They are doing to others and others have expressed interest. They remember other people's birthdays and other anniversary activities and events, and will be said.

7. have exceeded such as jealousy, remorse, self-pity, anxiety and cynicism, etc. ability to feel.

These are the destruction of self-confidence and encouraging self-esteem of the negative factors. Such a character and people in contact with them live very heavy.

8. enthusiastic cooperation, even in the most difficult cases, the ability to share responsibility.

He attached importance to and fully assume their own responsibility, never to escape, and complain. To do in his own field of work worth doing, is not necessarily a great job. Completion of work will be worth good results.

9. But subdivision idealistic and self-deception, to face the reality of life and ability to solve everyday problems.

development of this ability is by taking a positive attitude, refused to negative expectations to achieve. Negative expectations, such as failure, discontent, exclusion, trouble, etc., are often caused because your expectation too much, and both firmly like a magnet attract each other.

10. to maintain the dignity and integrity of character, you can compromise on something insignificant, but in this battle to have the fight to the death of the spirit.

really positive men and women are fully able to transcend the trivial quarrel; usually mild compromise does not matter, but if it is related to the dignity of other major issues, you must adhere to in the end.

customary one: Do not count on who can push you away

If you do not go forward, who would push you away? Therefore, a proactive approach is to achieve the principles of personal vision.

We often say: is complaining, discontent in the consumption of their own lives. The difference between humans and animals is one can take the initiative to create and realize dreams, to enhance our quality of life. Therefore, effective people for their own behavior and life choices made responsible, self-select the response to the external environment, the attitude and response methods; their commitment to have the ability to control things, rather than passively those who can not control or difficult concerns control of things; their efforts to improve performance through to expand their scope and extent of the concern.

positive attitude allows you to have We can not control the objective environment, but we can choose what kind of reaction do the objective reality. The meaning is not only positive action, also on behalf of their responsible attitude. Depend on their individual behavior, rather than the external environment, and people have the ability to also have the responsibility to create a favorable external environment.

used two: loyalty to their own life plan

we often on the road of life lost, wandering, and lost due to consumption of their lives. The people who know how to design efficient their own future. They carefully plan their own to become what people want to do, what to have and to write clear, as a decision-making guidance. Therefore, This will ensure that your actions consistent with the objectives, not by other people or external environment. This written plan will be known as the

any existing social organizations need to After setting goals

go all out, what we call at the right time to do the right thing and put it right. Why do so many people succeed but feel lost? Many people work hard, it was not to explore the ultimate goal in life is just as busy and busy, not insight into the depths of the soul Suoyu own desires, nor ever have been examining their own beliefs in life: What do you in the end? What is most important in your life? What is the focus of your life? Only established in line with the values in life, to gather willpower, perseverance to go all out and put into practice, we can be inside the greatest satisfaction.

used three: What is more difficult to choose not to

everyone's time is limited,UGG bailey button, so the important thing to do, that you feel your life is valuable and the value of the highest things that contribute to the objectives; to do less urgent matter, that is, you or others that need to solve the matter immediately. The maximum contribution to the fire department should be doing fire prevention work, not just busy around the fire. Therefore, the

effective that only a small amount of energy is very important and need immediate emergency, crisis, they will focus on the work of important but not urgent things, to maintain the effectiveness and efficiency of the balance.

First by the leadership to decide what is the key, the focus of his grasp, and always put it first, so as not to be feeling, mood or impulse so. To focus on current priorities; you must first rule out the minor things to tie him down, have the courage to say

used four: from the era of arena

know how beneficial to all people, to the stage of life as a cooperative, rather than the circus. Most people use a tongue dichotomy: non-high that is weak or non-victory defeat. In fact, the world enough to give each person based on space, others may not his own. Therefore, the

We were brought up in various competitions, examinations, training, a you win I lose, the rat race mentality. Imagine, who willing to admit defeat in the contest it? Is to establish a win-win thinking, interpersonal communication in a constant search for mutual benefit, in order to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement and commitment to cooperation projects.

a win-win thinking,UGG boots, often there are three individual character: integrity, maturity, and abundance mentality. They are loyal to their own feelings,Bailey UGG boots, values and commitments; have the courage to express their own thoughts and feelings, can understand the mentality of open-minded look at other people's ideas and experience; believe that the development of the world has enough resources and space, everyone can share.

beneficial to all concept formation is based on integrity, maturity, open-minded character-based. Open-minded noble-minded personal values from the sense of security and self-confidence, and people were so afraid of fame, a total financial situation, which is willing to try to infinite possibilities, give full play to creativity and a wide choice.

habits Five: the communication of empathy

If an ophthalmologist for patients with glasses, he took off his glasses first tried on the patient on the grounds that: I have a family one. If the doctor says: it really makes people laugh and cry out. We often say that failing to Care. Therefore,

The doctor has not diagnosed on the prescription, who would experience the? However, when communicating with people, we often make such indiscriminate white, jump off the wrong language. I must emphasize: We must first understand each other, then fight the other side to understand themselves, is the key to effective interpersonal communication, to rush to the proposed change or problem-solving tendencies.

put yourself to cultivate the Desire to understand others, we must first understand each other. Everyone wants to be understood, but also eager to express, but often neglect to listen. As we all know, effective listening not only to obtain a wide range of accurate information, but also help both the accumulation of emotions. When our training to be able to control yourself and maintain the peace of mind, to resist outside interference and steal from many words, our relationships also on a higher level.

habit six: 1 +1 can be greater than 2

Synergize is impeding growth and change against the most powerful way. Power is usually positive, rational, conscious, cost-effective power; the contrary, the resistance is passive, illogical, emotional and unconscious. Do not try to eliminate the consequences of resistance equal to the force applied to the spring, the results still have to rebound. If the win-win thinking, communication and integration transposed the principles of integrated synergy, not only can resolve the resistance, even as the power of resistance,

cooperation brainstorming powerful. Many natural phenomena show: all greater than the sum of its parts. With different plant growth, roots entangled with each other, so the soil will improve plant growth is more lush than the individual; bricks can withstand the power of two greater than the sum of individual tolerance. These principles also apply, but there are exceptions. Only when everyone is open-minded to accept the mentality of respect for the differences in order to surmount.

seven habits: living a balanced life physically and mentally

body, mind and will is the basis for us achieve our goals, so exercise regularly Shenxin will enable us to accept greater challenges, introspective meditation will become more sensitive to people's intuition. When we balance the improvements in these two areas, then used to enhance the performance of all. So that we will grow, change, and ultimately to success.

life is most worth investing in yourself. Life and work have to rely on their own, so he is most worthy of cherished wealth. Brings the work itself and not the economic sense of security, and have a good thinking, learning, creativity and adaptability in order to make himself invincible; possession of wealth does not mean that there is always the economic security, with ability to create wealth really reliable. The seven habits of

above are complementary. The first three habits is our own, we must go all out to set goals, focus on how to conduct personal cultivation, from dependence to independent, to achieve communication, brainstorming, the team will promote communication and cooperation; the seventh habit of covering the first six,UGGs, urge us to start from the physical and mental perfection. Through the cultivation of these habits, we can gradually get substantive change, a truly high-performance people.

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