Tuesday, October 19, 2010

why some people dare to go forward in the rapids and shoals

 Why some people dare to go forward in the rapids and shoals in the vertical and horizontal flip employed, the journey of life one after another win a victory, and enjoy the meet and wonderful life? Why do some people have all day, self-pity, drift, live impoverished, frustrated in life?

in our society is how most people live ordinary, mediocre, in fact, many people could have a more brilliant achievements.

Young people should be how to meet life's challenges, across the barriers of life to find life position?

people need to be coaching, otherwise may never in the dark. Perhaps the word, a concept, an idea, you can change your life.

Remember: the cause is more important than the first to understand life itself.


willpower willpower is a heartfelt, self-driven force is successful with each of the most important spiritual qualities.

(a) perseverance

strong will power and indomitable patience is the key to success.

1, as long as the will, the world will hear your cry sent.

2, victory belongs to those who insist in the end.

3, perseverance, is a common feature of those great things.

4, perseverance is the cause of all those great achievements in the common personality.

5, seemingly insurmountable difficulties, is often a harbinger of new discoveries.

6, you can conquer yourself, you will conquer all.

7, if you are a strong, failure will wake up your ambitions.

8, more happiness, less worry, you will be surprised to find that not only makes your job fun, but also allows you to be happy.

9, if you have the power of optimism,Discount UGG boots, it will see the light in the darkness, see the joy in pain.

(b) the determination

those standing in the stream, until he finally agreed to push the water to swim, never reach the shore of victory.

1, the world's most poor people are hesitant.

2, opportunity fleeting, difficult to seize the opportunity of people hesitant.

3, the principle of doing things: either not do it, do it well.

4, the meaning of life is to grow, will grow out of, life is meaningless.

5, resolute decision to form the personality, is the moral life and growth and will train an important lesson.

6, is essential: to seize the fleeting opportunity to make a decision, to take immediate action.

7, the world's largest waste of valuable time does not matter is to be dispersed in many things.

8, to change the destiny, it is necessary to change behavior; to change behavior, first change the thought.

9, as life is long, but the critical place but only a few steps.

(c) made a resolute self

The essence of a character's soul. Can self-govern, control emotions, desires and fears people will live happier.

1, self-confident people, also won the trust of others.

2, a can-do honorable, vibrant, pleasant people, is popular everywhere.

3, fury from the heart of the weak and vulnerable character.

4, measure the power of one person than his anger burst out when the power, but by his own emotional level of restraint.

5, either to do the masters of mood, or do emotions slaves.

6, we can not guarantee happiness of his life, but life can be happy.

7, we can not guarantee success of his life, but can do a full and meaningful life.

8, change in an instant, as long as you have a strong sense of change, and the determination to change appears.

9, want to make things better, to make themselves better.

10, success does not come by to pursue, but after the change was attracted to their own initiative.

11, the world's successful people have their own personality, its own thinking,cheap UGG boots, their own independent views, their own independent way of life.

12, self-restraint to create a genius, able to destroy ten days of self-indulgence.

13, relaxed, happy, optimistic and harmonious state of mind is your best protection of God.

14, to govern self-control of emotions, desires, and those who fear greater than the king, more fortunate


15, if the adjustment is not good mood one o'clock, do not tackle important issues and major pieces of things


(d) qualification focuses

why some people make a big flat? Why are some so-called intellectual superior, talented people have everywhere covered, no goals, and ultimately nothing? From the mediocre success and failure of smart people raises the question: Do you focus on?

1, talent, luck, opportunity, wisdom and attitude is a critical success factor.

2, distraction is the world's largest waste.

3, mediocre success is that he has dogged perseverance, to maximize their potential.

4, a bright child, no matter how concern, if he does not concentrate, will never succeed.

5, to learn to focus on the critical things. A focus on young people who have not learned, it is difficult to succeed in anything.

6, winner of the most valuable skills that any dealings with any person are simple and quick.

7, when you step into society, should be full of energy as soon as possible to focus on your valuable work. 8, success is a happy, successful pursuit of the process is a pleasure.

9, repetitive behavior to form habits, good habits lead to success, success is a simple matter of repeatedly do.

Second, the target

Although successful people have different characteristics, however, was firm and clear objectives must be their common characteristics.

(a) of the dreams and hopes

of the most amazing power not too dream.

1, there is a great dream, even a wall of steel can stop the pace of its progress.

2, have hopes, your thoughts and emotions will become firm.

3, goal in life never goes out of the torch.

4, have a dream, have hope, to inspire potential.

5, hesitation and uncertainty in the spent year after year, is absurd.

6, the world's most poor people are those indecisive, hesitant man.

7, you come into the world is to succeed.

8, we must have goals, but also has milestones, not only to expected, but also accessible.

9, identifying the target there are two basic principles: First, its advantages and conditions; Second

the external environment and conditions.

10, good integration of resources to their advantage will grow exponentially.

11, learned to continuously build the target platform, will make you step by step to new success.

12, if dependent on the older generation, will one day lose momentum, and suddenly in the desert ecology stopped.

13, things of the world, we must first think of the end can.

14, desire is the mother of success, with eager, everything will have power.

15, a man of success, must be full of personality and creative people.

16, who missed the opportunity to import the times, still can not find the lodge after dark like the prodigal son.

17, as long as with the right goals, the way the events and scenarios will appear in your field of vision,

you in advance have a sense of accomplishment.

18, many people do not know life, how much capacity they have, because they never had a dream come true


19, only to understand how fragile life is only people who know how precious life.

20, self-lost, it is the root of modern pain.

21, the value of life lies in yourself.

(b) the pursuit of excellence

the pursuit of excellence, not only created an outstanding figure in all areas, also contributed to continue to create miracles every ordinary person.

God-given potential of each share is comparable to, other people can do, and you can too.

1, a dynamic, targeted, thoughtful people who will accept any challenge to a higher goal.

2, in each individual who has a mysterious power, that is progress. The question is whether to tap this power.

3, a progressive people, will continue to taste the real life.

4, enterprise is the best way out of decadence.

5, progress will form a continuous self-motivation, to develop a forward to a higher realm of habit.

(c) knowledge base

a person without sufficient knowledge base, it is difficult to obtain work and cause a breakthrough. Accumulation of knowledge is more important than the accumulation of money.

1, knowledge is the food of the soul.

2, starting from the most basic, step by step, this may be your path to success.

3, no matter how low the current job, learn new, valuable knowledge will be beneficial to your career.

4, human life is the time to education.

5, society is a big classroom, as long as care, you will learn a lot of valuable knowledge.

6, should always charge, or you hard to get far.

7, a winner has a very strong ability to learn.

8, develop a person's learning ability is more important than access to knowledge.

9, learning ability is in the process of acquiring knowledge, and gradually trained.

10, ten minutes every day to cultivate the habit of reading classics, two years later, ideas will be greatly improved.

11, have a happy life, we should have a positive, healthy thinking, we must always receive a good knowledge.

(d) Environmental

most of the human body have tremendous potential, he was fast asleep, when excited by the outside world, it will make amazing things to.

1, poverty is the starting line of personal struggle.

2, only good for others to provide development opportunities and conditions of the people can create their own good

development environment and space.

3, winners and winners are always friends, losers and losers are always crowd.

4, poverty itself is not terrible, terrible poverty of thought and attitude of resignation.

5, natural preference of people who work hard will eventually compensate those who paid through the ordeal.

6, children in rural areas than urban children better.

Some statistics: 40 successful people in 22 rural born, born in a small town 10, was born in the eight cities, with an average age of 16 into the city. Third, the character, charm

in interpersonal interactions, first impressions are often the most profound.

personal charisma is a great asset, is a huge influence, it leads to wealth, fame, joy turned a really effective and relatively easy way.

(a) of the confidence and courage

you come into the world is to succeed. If you can successfully get rid of doubt their own ability, eventually you will succeed.

1, self-confidence to your life is something to treasure.

2, who came to the world should be standing upright between heaven and earth, their heads held high, straight ahead, there is no fear in life.

3, self-blame, self-deprecating one of the most destructive habits.

4, asked if the son of a father is always too humble and self-deprecating way of life, not knowing that this is the son of a crime.

5, if you do doubt your abilities, then no one will believe you.

6, courage is necessary for successful quality.

7, if you have the freedom to get rid of obstacles, that means you will have a perfect life.

(b) integrity and honesty

when a person's character traits and the same solemn and sacred promise, his life will have more than jobs, wealth, success is more great stuff.

1, high quality is a lifetime of wealth.

2, integrity is a cherished asset, credibility is a rich deposit.

3, honesty is the conduct of this, is the winner of the creed

4, dishonesty is a taboo for a man, which means reducing their living space.

5, integrity, honest, easy to make real friends.

(c) enthusiasm and friendship

optimistic frame of mind and noble qualities, will fundamentally change our view of things.

If peace of mind to face life, the world will give us the same good.

1, personality and beautiful and gentle people everywhere are welcome to get help.

2, friendship is the basis for entrepreneurship.

3, a healthy mind, thoughtful friend, you can start your thinking and enhance your ability, increase your intelligence, enrich your emotions, stimulate the expression of your desire, you wake up sleeping in the heart inspiration.

4, discerning mentor's encouragement and help, often turning point in his life.

5, for the inexperienced people, nothing is more important than friends.

6, a true friend can inspire your potential, the power delivery to you.

7, learn to respect other people's people, will be respected by others.

8, is only willing to help others, will get help from others.

9, success is always making friends with the winners, losers and losers are always crowd.

(d) outgoing personality

a good character is essential, it will determine the future life. Happy and cheerful nature is priceless.

1, generosity, magnanimity, generosity and helpfulness, is to win friends elements.

2, human nature is like and happy people live.

3, optimistic not only their own happiness, but also bring joy to others.

4, the child's culture, young people, the first practice, you should first start from the character. A good personality lifetime.

5, has a happy nature, who is not only happy, but also longevity.

6, cool, calm, never yielding, is a person should train as a character.

7, love, peace, joy, optimism, kindness, selfless, contented, peaceful harmonious functioning enables the human body function better, for in your physical health.

8, love is anger, hatred and jealousy of the natural antidote.

9, character is not all natural, good character is cultivated.

10, purification of the mind is the practice based on personality.

11, the noble seed sown in the mind, it will reap the noble life.

12, only the outstanding personality of the people, to find their own way.

13, the world's successful people have their own personality, its own thinking, their own independent views,

own independent way of life.

14, the most advanced way of thinking is open-minded.

15, passion is essential for success in life.

four, health, habits and communication skills

good habits, good health and good communication skills is an important condition for success in life.

(a) Health

to succeed with a healthy life. In the highly competitive modern society, the victory belongs to those who can withstand pressure. How to maintain the best condition is everyone always face a big problem.

1, a pure, noble, holy, righteous and sober-minded thinking people are very easy to live longer.

2, few people realize that their body disease in a large extent on self-suggestion.

3, in order to obtain a healthy body, we must first have a healthy attitude.

4, strong will power is usually overcome physical weakness.

5, the memory of the indomitable power of their own protective layer that can overcome a variety of psychological and physiological disease.

6, whenever you get angry, complain, complain endlessly, is to squander the physical, stifling their vigor and vitality.

(b) of the good habits

good temperament, elegant manners of young people will have positive and beneficial future effects. 1, four habits: punctuality, trustworthiness, strong, fast, and plays an important role in creating life.

2, not punctual habits would be a waste of time, cost lives.

3, the habit of not keeping promises, it will lose the trust of others.

4, no firm habit, can not make things stick to the success of that day.

5, not the habit of quick, good opportunity pass you by, may never come again.

6, many people do not understand the mechanism of habit formation, you know, today is but a repetition of yesterday.

7, children should start with good habits, habits, norms from the beginning, standard is repeated.

8, how to change a bad habit? The only answer is: how did that develop, and now how to overcome it.

(c) communication skills

communication skills are essential to the basic social skills.

1, one thing seems very difficult, and sometimes just a few minutes to be off the ground.

2, communication need art, but more needs sincere and patient.

3, communication is mind the fast lane, often to achieve a multiplier effect.

4, make a template, inspirational, is a silent communication.

5, success is not luck, every successful man has a decision within something of his success.

6, the inner beauty, life will be better.

7, name is an illusory thing, never lost because of the name itself.

(d) ability to express

good accelerant eloquence is successful. And has a superb art of conversation to talk to people, is simply a pleasure.

1, many people's success, to a certain extent, due to his good rhetoric.

2, eager to make contributions to the young people, should have conversation skills, improve the ability to master the language.

3, language ability is a reflection of a comprehensive capacity of people, from which we can see his knowledge, skills, experience and accomplishment.

4, is a concise expression, the word should aim for at least the meaning of the expression of the most abundant.

V. professionalism

one of the greatest happiness, is full play to their potential. Success is a happy, successful pursuit of the process is a pleasure.

1, putting their dreams into reality, we must do three things: first, to target specific; second, to focus and go all out; the third, put into action.

2, where the winners are good at decision and, once decided to go all out.

3,UGGs, hard work is the golden touch, hard work than talent.

4, dealing with things is not dragging its feet, no horse honking, which is an important quality of success.


6, if you can any complex thing, with a very simple language to say it, that you have the most basic and critical leadership skills.

7, a lot of things, only makes sense on the time coordinates. Ignore the time management is not entrusted with heavy responsibilities.

8, do not know how to

9, good catch the opportunity, is a prerequisite for success.

10, rational decision is not made you excited about the extreme, but after you make cool.

11, efficiency is the speed of the first core element, the second core element is accurate.


13, the result of the conflict is the destruction of a high level of people face the thrust of the approach is generous.

14, in time of conflict, the aftermath conditioning is essential, otherwise will become a scourge.

15, often from a wide range of opportunities for communication and exchange.

16, Planning Key to success is a step,UGG bailey button, learn and master planning analysis is a required course for success.

17, smart does not mean smart, simple is not without wisdom, to understand the nature of things is simply the highest level.

18, each of the subconscious mind is there, the subconscious tremendous energy.

19, let the subconscious work is the best way to relax.

2005.8.13 Revised final


1, change a life lesson million (U.S.) Ao Lisen. Madden was

2, the life of the party and the circle of cybernetics Ding Yuan Zhi was

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