Friday, October 15, 2010

the emotional entanglements between the two of us today

 You a lot of people think I is not worth the knot, maybe. I am very pleased to once a bye and can really focus on the emotional aspects of their own thoughts, feelings, say so. Although the atmosphere do a little bit sad, or embarrassed.

the emotional entanglements between the two of us today, even over with. You say that we can continue to be friends, but I think if we start doing

since it has been settled, this text can be considered a summary of it, in fact, I hope this is just a summary of.

3 19, we are there to know, in League Committee with a company organized an event. Your lively and cheerful to me left a deep impression.

3 20 March, we left each other their contact information, but also took a photo. Our story should start, right from here.

3 26, sent to you in my friends verification QQ 5 days later, you finally added me to friends. That night, I do drunk. In fact, I still have not quite understand why. I probably would like you to have it.

4 4 January, the first time you message me and asked me not in school. At that time I was Zigong, receive this message even when I could not believe my eyes. I always thought maybe we can only make a QQ, chatters, although I know I have to like you. Brothers were also encouraged me to pursue you, but I always say to them: We are impossible, too far away. But you this message so I seem to feel that perhaps we can begin to start it from a friend.

5 months, you are my department's general all over, you become a minister in your department, have begun to play a Challenge Cup and so busy with the work of your department related to the game. The contents of our chat into the game. You also often get some relevant things to ask me. Of course, I also do my best to help you. In this exchange to a to, I think you not only a cheerful girl, or a motivated girl. I like you more and more of, but I've been telling myself: I am with you is not possible, we separated too far, between us are not very understanding of each other, so do not fall into the trap.

5 30 evening, heavy rain, your bedroom a lot of insects fly, you're scared, send text messages to tell me, ask me how to do. The first time I had a desire to protect you. For the first time, I think, perhaps I would like to be the one to protect you, although I may not be strong.

Since that day, to June 11, our contact is intermittent, I think, maybe our fate can only to

6 12, Dragon Boat Festival holidays, the day before. I am going on 11 o'clock that night the train home. To the station too early, boring phone I selected a couple of past good relationship, or relatively ambiguous relationship between the girls send text messages, hoping that they can be with me through a tough time. Move the cursor to your phone number on, I hesitated for a long time: I'm afraid because my message you will think I'm frivolous, I'm afraid because it will no longer have to contact us. Of course, ultimately, I elected to put you the object of my mass text messages, because I want to chat. SMS sent out, unexpectedly, only you back to my message. In your message, I read out the anxious mood, I think you were probably worried about me. Sent a two text messages, I received your phone. At that time, I really could not believe that a severely pinched me - ah, this is not a dream. Thus, in the first 3 months after the conversation, I heard you the strange and familiar sound. On the phone, we talked a lot, I also think that the level of understanding between us and deepened step. I do not know how, I felt at that time, we may be able to become lovers it, although we live in different schools, although we do not quite understand each other, but I was able to overcome these difficulties. Now think about it, maybe these ideas would be more naive it. In fact,UGGs, if I see other people think, I would think he is very naive. Oh, maybe that is the so-called strength of love.

6 16, you said you send text messages to foreign lecturers to invite you to spend the weekend with him. When I found him a place you go to a bar at night, when the urban areas, to be honest, I really want to beat the foreign meal, as a discerning eye can tell, this teacher is not ill-wishers. In fact, think of it too, we were only just a very ordinary friend or pen pal, because we are basically not played even the phone are SMS, QQ, and very little contact, I have no need of anger. Of course, you did not go to the end.

that night, we send text messages sent to late. When we talk to the shopping thing, you told me you do not like shopping. I said, I like the girls do not like shopping. Maybe you did not realize I was talking about you. You told me that if I do not for the other change, will not find a girlfriend. I said, can do nothing to change places do not change it. You say, do not like little girls shopping. I further say that you do not is one of Mody. You joking tone of voice told me that you are not so good catch of. That day, I Yiyewumian.

6 17, I was determined from the quagmire of your thoughts to pull out. Difficult, really, stop into the text of the edit page, and continue to withdraw. In my own finally be able to ride the tide that day, when a text message to your completely broke my defense, the time probably in the 23:40 and more like it. Your message is very simple, just ask what I'm doing. At that moment, I think, I finally could not suppress your feelings of it. One to two to several text messages, I finally had to show it. Not surprisingly, been rejected. But in the end you tell me, I'll give you a good impression, you may like me, but in the end you did not know you like it or not me. You may also want to try it.

6 18, I still do not want to give up. Send text messages the morning the night concerned about the cold you how kind. In fact in mind it is possible to answer it in exchange for a cold. In the evening, I received your message a content of bizarre, you say you gain weight. As a result, we are using a text chat at night. We chatted about weight loss, has been talking to the next day to conduct four CET. Suddenly, you start to send text messages to me in English. Honestly, back in English text, I am a very tough, English has not touched a long time. In one to two to the English text is rife with errors, I remember most is that you want me to promise to be happy everyday. Of course, in a note later, said a lot of words impressed me. Of course, I still remember those words but let them rot in the heart.

6 19, forty-six examination. Obama article in full, I drank about a high school out because of natural or you. I want to drink way to vent their anguish two days. Results not drinking wine, you called again. At that time I was dizzy, afraid because of drinking and talking nonsense, hastily hung up. After the students returned to school, we talked for 34 minutes. 11 pm However, you call me again and asked me how the other boys refuse to pursue. To be honest, I was embarrassed. Of course, I have some Xugao Xing, which the girls would like to ask a guy how to say his pursuit of the other boys. In fact, it kind of think of it, chances are before me in the refuse, you refuse to ask someone my way. Ah, I really was a sensitive person.

6 20 March, as I have an exam the next day, the day in the library review. Review of the gap, we continue to use text chat, chat to their respective schools have been the You told me a lot of people last year, your school is on the countryside and came back together. And I know that you want to join your school activities in three rural areas this year. So I replied: You finally told me that you are not so easy to cheat the. At that moment, I'm happy. I thought you started to accept me, although the last is not so tell me.

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