Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Although we think with common sense

 But the final solution to the problem, or will rather than intellect

- Waller

Nothing, only fear of caring people. Determined to person, which also determined the Kennedy afternoon, Chi-kin is not a fear of something.

- Ren Bishi

willpower is a concept in psychology. Refers to a person consciously set goals, and in accordance with the purpose to dominate, regulate their own actions to overcome various difficulties to achieve the purpose of quality.

detailed interpretation of how to enhance their

perseverance it?

One is to strengthen the right motivation. People's actions are governed by motives, and motives of the germination originated in need of satisfaction. What does not need or that people who seek nothing, never. Who all have their own needs, but also the pursuit of their own; only because of the different outlook on life, different people use different pursuits as his greatest satisfaction. Stalin said that the great purpose of generating great perseverance. From the Ostrovsky and Zhang Haidi body, we can charge to see how the noble purpose in life to stimulate a strong tenacity.

Second, start small, you can exercise great perseverance. Siguang to the work of tough, meticulous known, which is his youth to exercise their own walk 0.8 m each step of these little things are not unrelated. Dalton his life afraid of difficulties, it seems that every day from his five years of meteorological observation and develop resilience to benefit greatly. Gorky said: To overcome the difficult process, that is training, enhance the persistence of the process. Perseverance is not very strong, often able to overcome the small problems, not able to overcome great difficulties; However, the plot is also a small victory to overcome the difficulties of small difficulties to make the NPC perseverance. Today, you may choose can not afford the burden of a hundred pounds, but you can pick up pick three pounds, and this line. As long as you pick the day, month training, one day, a hundred pounds on your shoulders the burden of pressure, you could have legs. Daiying profound to say: determined effort required set of righteousness. I sense that the set, that is kung fu fighting in the little things are also commonly used. ... ... In a small office can not make mistakes,Discount UGG boots, their mistakes will be made in the big and carry on. Small oppression that is able to beat a small lure, oppression in the big big lure is still in the can than a problem. Such as small office can not be better than big and still look better than this not even call the self-deception? Better than smaller ones, and then better than larger. This so-called set of righteousness. Otherwise set to pay is still empty talk. the horse , perseverance will remember with affection. people need to do their own right, because people are lazy. to overcome the inertia and willpower. any inert are interlinked, the will of any action is symbiotic. things always complement each other, this long-he canceled. small things can develop great stamina, the point on which.

Third, training can stimulate interest in the will. Some people say that the threshold of interest is perseverance, these words is justified. Fabre on insects special interests, his observation of insects in the tree can be a lie is half a day. Nobel laureate Samuel Ting said, I often day and night to put himself in the laboratory, some people thought I was bitter, in fact, this is only my interest where I am , but he knows, to learn foreign languages is the need for the four modernizations, to this need, he was interested, so he can force herself to learn a foreign language. In the process of learning, foreign interest in the text will be able to gradually develop them, which in turn can further stimulate learning a foreign language, he insisted on perseverance. Once a person has a certain thing, place of work within a particular interest in the stability, then, is longing for the determination unconsciously come to him has become a very natural things.

Fourth is easy entry difficult, can boost confidence, but also exercise the will. Some people want to put something from start to finish to finish, but too often because things are difficult and unsustainable. not too strong on the perseverance of the people, in determining their own goals, select the mouth when worn to achieve this goal, we must proceed from reality, from easy to hard into the principle. Teli learn French comrades, has been fifty years old, others said he was learning disabled, he said, let me try. He knew he had poor memory, working and busy, therefore, began to set for ourselves, . This program started small, easy to implement, it seems slow some, but to develop confidence, a few months, Xulao not only complete the project on schedule, and develop an interest in establishing confidence and slowly mastered the French school also will sharply decline, even though people usually some perseverance, then may back down. American scholar Mitchell, Kodak said: It will give people a feeling of success. sense, willpower usually refers to all of our spiritual life, and it is this spiritual life to guide our behavior in all aspects. to drop any man also, we must first suffer their aspirations, workers of their bones, their body skin hunger, depletion of their body, Line fu chaos, so tempted Ren Xing, they can not have been beneficial, vividly illustrates the importance of willpower. In order to realize their ideals, their own purposes, needs to have the feelings of hot, strong will, courage and indomitable spirit to overcome all difficulties on the road ahead.


useful when people are good at using the power of this, it will have determination. The people have the determination to that will power at work. person's mental functions or body parts on the determination of the subject, is indicative of the enormous power of the willpower.

no one will mind to do something he thought impossible, such as a person can not be determined to lift the arms have lost their activity, nor determined without the aid of flying under instrument conditions. for such unlikely things, people may have had to try generating ideas, but they can not really be determined in his heart to try such a thing, so they would not have do this the real courage.

psychological analysis

psychologists generally believe that will power both the static aspect, but also dynamic aspects. On the one hand, it is to guide human the power of action; the other hand, it is that people act in these operations. Therefore, when a person is able to an event or series of events showed great determination and strength, will be considered to have very strong willpower (static); and the characteristics of his will, his determination required or action by the strength and durability to be reflected. Thus, in the process exhibited by the dynamic willpower to become will power. He became determined to guide the behavior of self psychology.

saying goes: in storage with inexhaustible wealth. by increasing willpower,cheap UGG boots, you can get rich in life, with life in a variety of achievements. the power of the will,UGG boots cheap, quietly hidden in each of us within the human body. In this world, the real miracle of creating life upon is the power of human will. the will is the highest leader, will be the publisher of a variety of commands, when these commands are fully executed, the will of the guiding role of the value of each person on earth would be incalculable.


methods - long-distance

many articles have mentioned that this method, it seems that it is indeed a very effective way. I promote the use of this method, but I say long-distance running is different from previous articles is this: long-distance running not only every day, but also to gradually increase the intensity.

Most of the articles is given a general, I think that this method results in the early stages of training will power will be very obvious, but as the body gradually adapt to, the effect will gradually weaken, so I put forward on the basis of every day gradually increase in intensity. specific methods are as follows:

to formulate a reasonable plan, including targets and target completion deadline. goal must be clear, studies have shown that the more clear and specific objectives, to implement more there is power, so do not say to yourself In the three months to achieve a finish ten thousand meters. ), this goal can not be set too high, the key is you have to stick with it. boundary the easiest thing is to insist, the most difficult thing is insisted, is the first step, therefore, can not stick with it the first month, You can determine the success of this training. so that the target can not be set too high, too high is not easy to accomplish, it will make you lose confidence, of course, not too low (five hundred meters per day), too low, then too easy complete, not challenging your willpower training is no good. If you can stick down the first month, then congratulations, you have the initial training of the will power to do next is still the stick, but from This is to give yourself time to start increasing your strength, and strength but also according to their own circumstances set standards and goals set as the initial, not high nor low, to every month or every two months for a period of Each cycle will have increased the intensity until the intensity limit to big you up. this time, you will be surprised to find that you already have on their actions, , the distance can be set according to circumstances, but at least twice weekly to ensure that the most long-distance training. on how to set up long-distance running program, is a more difficult to define the problem, I will continue to access the relevant information, the future will write an article dedicated to detail the long-distance race this method.. smug look, I'm in high school for two years of long-distance running training, and high radio district in the country when the race took second place, won the In high school, I ran a few hundred meters or not to breathe in, after two years of training, I can easily win five kilometers. and my willpower was among them has been strengthened, and the high school three years, During freshman year I barely won any disease, which have benefited from those two years of distance running.

tell yourself the benefits of doing so. If you can not see the practical benefits of the half-hearted words of long-distance running, the light has program is not willing to put on your running shoes. the benefits of long-distance running you should know, in the implementation of the plan, you have to keep telling myself - I trained to be stoic make long-distance running will power powerful, life is full of vitality; I rarely get sick, and this saves me a lot of money; I do things more patient, which made it easier for me to do my work. stimulate you with these benefits, will make you generate more power to stick to this plan, the final perseverance in cultivating willpower.

change the self-consistent style. Optical know the benefits of long-distance running is not enough,UGG shoes, the power produced in the most fundamental change their life style and take their own desire. convincing reason sometimes, but only when the emotions are aroused, their response can really be. If you have this idea - running, If you really want to develop strong will power, it is necessary for the ongoing training. or this requires a strong will power to do it, you have to do is to stimulate this willpower up, and feasible way is to change your style, if it rains today, you want to tell you plan your long-distance running: . ashamed, and then produce incentive to complete the task.


not an eating fat. Eat Hot Tofu, willpower is not one or two days training can be achieved, which requires a long process. long-distance running is not the purpose how long you can run, but whether it can help you develop a strong will to increase the strength of purpose is also here, so the training I did not have to run the standard long long distance, but how long I have to adhere to long. Even if you increase the strength of small, but the long-term as long as you stick with it, we can help you develop the willpower to persevere.

Further reading < br>
literature willpower willpower

emphasis in literature is mentioned, especially in Shakespeare's play ), his daughter Miranda (Miranda) and the Wizard Yili Er (Ariel) as 普洛斯彼洛 evil brother's betrayal, long trapped in a deserted island. When he heard evil 普洛斯彼洛brother in a nearby boat when sailing in retaliation, he calls his own willpower and create a huge storm, so his brother's boat hit a tall island. 普洛斯彼洛 then unlucky with the willpower to control the fate of survivors, including Rio Ferdinand (Ferdinand) - an innocent, handsome young man, 普洛斯彼洛 arranged for him fell in love with Miranda.

films of willpower

one day meet in heaven, angels, complaining of the sad situation of human nature. they are to our vanity, ignorance and senseless stupid disgusted. but there is a God have mercy on us and decided to conduct an experiment: to grant a very common people unlimited power. a man for a God to respond? they asked.

that boring, ordinary people are 乔治福瑟林 Gay (George Fotheringay), a sewing shop Commodity the owner. He found himself suddenly have a god, floating candles can change the color of water, to create a wonderful dinner, and even become a diamond. At first he used to laugh and his power to do good work. but in the end he vanity and the desire of the right to control him, made him desire to the authority of the tyrant, with palaces and wealth beyond belief. indulge in such a force, he made a fatal mistake. He ordered the earth to stop the arrogant rotation. all of a sudden, can not imagine the chaos broke out, Kulie strong wind speed of 1,000 km per hour all the things flung the air, it is the Earth's rotational speed. all of them have been swept into the space. in despair , he promised his last, is the ultimate wish: to all things restored to their original state.

This is the movie Synopsis, which according to Wells's short story in 1911 (it was later re-adapted into the movie strength, the will power (psychokinesis) - or the spirit of victory over substance, the ability to move objects with the spirit - God is definitely a most powerful and essential force. Wells made in his short stories in the view that also need the power of God and God in general sense and wisdom.

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